While you decide to appear for an interview that you have to make sure your personality and appearance are good because if you will look good you will automatically feel confident about yourself. This article will discuss about few things that a job seeker should avoid when giving an interview. It’s not difficult to prepare yourself for the interview in case you are confident enough. Just make sure that you give the right answer at right time.
?1. "I Don’t like my last boss."
?You have to refrain yourself to express your hatred about your previous boss during the interview because this act drop a negative impression on the interviewer. The interviewer will question you further about the reasons for your disliking. Therefore, in order to avoid inappropriate questions do not show the interviewer that you disliked your boss.
?2. "I don’t know anything about the company."
?You must be well-informed about the company in which you are applying. “What do you know about the company?” is a very common question asked in almost every interview. Saying you know nothing about the company can leave a bad impression on the interviewer. You can boost the chances of selection if you study their website before an interview.
?3. "No, I Have Nothing to ask from You."
?While saying that you have no question to ask regarding the company or the work, end of an interview shows that the candidate is not much interested in the job. Therefore, keeping in mind the company’s objective, prepare some questions that you can ask the interviewer.
?4. "I’m Need to take these days off or I will not be available on the specific date and time."
?At the initial stage of discussion make sure that you don’t keep your personal commitments in front of interviewers. This is the very early stage to show your desires or commitments and you should avoid mentioning the days you need off early from office because they then might perceive as if you think you already got the job.
?5. "How long until I get a promotion?"
?Never directly ask “How long until I get a promotion?” especially at the initial stage. However, the same question can be asked indirectly by asking to clarify and give details about the career path to follow in order to reach a good position. Moreover, you can research more about good opportunities.
6. Showing up late or too early
?Remember to show up on time for interviews. Showing up too early or too late both create a poor first impression. If you arrive more than 10 minutes early for an interview, it will give the impression that you are too free. Act as if your time is as valuable as the interviewer’s and always arrive on time, but never more than 10 minutes early.
7. Asking about benefits, vacation time or salary
?Don’t ask about any benefits or salary during the first interview. Wait until you’ve won the employer over before beginning that discussion.