Interview with Denver’s transport chief, New York tops resilient cities index, and more...
Cities Today
Cities Today is the leading news platform on urban mobility and innovation, reaching an global audience of city leaders
“Innovation does not equal digitalisation”
Karin Ekdahl W?stberg , Stockholm’s Innovation Director, discusses how an innovation methodology is applied to achieving the city’s goals, from dealing with an invasion of Canadian geese to meeting climate targets.
Denver's transport chief talks fixing the fundamentals
Adam Phipps, PE, PMP , Executive Director in Denver’s Department of Transportation & Infrastructure, outlines how he believes the transit experience can be reshaped, and how funding could be developed to spur progress.
Boston gives innovation a job description
Boston’s Strategy for the Department of Innovation and Technology lays out a “common narrative of who we are, why we exist and what is the problem that we’re trying to solve,” says CIO Santiago Garces.
New York, LA and London top resilient cities index
Economist Impact scored cities on 19 indicators and 41 sub indicators across four key areas of resilience: critical infrastructure, environment, socio-institutional, and economic resilience.
Support on offer to help UK councils ‘buy innovation’?
Connected Places Catapult is running a programme to help local authorities use their spending power to support innovative ideas.
Smart streetlights are back in San Diego
More than three years after they were deactivated over privacy concerns, Mayor Todd Gloria has signed a measure into law to allow the city to move forward with activating 500 smart streetlight cameras and deploy Automated Licence Plate Recognition technology.
Adelaide launches roadmap for EV transition
The Australian city has endorsed a roadmap to accelerate the shift to electric vehicles and cut emissions.
Industry update by Climate Campaigners
Global citizens unite against climate change
Saving the climate is not just an issue for politics and business. Only if we all change our habits and behaviour sustainably will we have a future worth living. This is the idea behind the Climate Campaigners app, which rewards people living in Europe for adopting a sustainable lifestyle.
Industry Update by PTV Group
Transformative advances in next-generation traffic management
Christian U. Haas discusses how modern Intelligent Transport Systems enable transport networks to become safer, more sustainable and more inclusive.
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