Interview with The Axel Group's Recruiter: Gabrielle Camara
Welcome back to #MeetTheTeamMonday! Check out my interview below with The Axel Group's Recruiter, Gabrielle Camara.
What are your areas of expertise and what does your position entail?
?My area of expertise is Corporate Services. My position entails working with our Business Development Managers to get an understanding of what qualities our clients are looking for in a candidate. Next would be sourcing candidates for specific roles, screening, interviewing, prepping candidates for interviews and getting them their dream job!
What school did you attend/what degree did you receive?
I attended Fashion Institute of Technology and obtained an associate degree in Fashion Business Management.
What do you like most about working at The Axel Group?
I would have to say the culture, it is unmatched! It’s never boring in the office, everyone can bounce off each other with ideas and help if needed.
Tell me about your family, hobbies, and interests.
I am the youngest of four siblings, 3 sisters and a brother. I enjoy hanging with my family around a bonfire on a weekend or going to the beach with my friends.
?What is your favorite season and why?
?My favorite season is hands down summer! You cannot beat summertime down the shore.
Favorite TV/Movie?
My favorite movie is 13 going on 30, I can watch that movie 100 times and it never gets old. I also can do the whole dance in the thriller dance scene.
What was your dream job as a kid?
My dream job as a kid was to be a chef. Although, that plan changed real quick when I got my mom sick after making her try one of my meals.
Coffee or Tea
Starbucks Passion Tango Tea…. Chefs kiss.
Favorite food and least favorite food?
My favorite food has to be French fries and least favorite food are pickles, yuck!
What is the best advice you have ever gotten?
“Life is about making an impact, not making an income” – Mom
Thank you for taking the time to read my interview with Gabrielle Camara. Keep and eye out for future #MeetTheTeamMondays with The Axel Group!