Interview with Amazon Seller Tanner J Fox
Tanner with his car.

Interview with Amazon Seller Tanner J Fox

Interview with Amazon Seller Tanner J Fox

How did you get started selling on Amazon?

  • I was In Community college & taking a few summer classes and was bored. I began looking at ways to make money online since I did not want a real job. I Came across Amazon FBA and started watching YouTube Videos and eventually took a course on how to start.

What is your biggest challenge finding products?

  • The biggest challenge is just knowing what parameters to use and what small things to look for when choosing a product. Most people rush in and jump on one that on the outside looks good, but if they dug deeper is not.

What are the typical and standard fees and taxes when selling an Amazon business?

  • The Taxes are like any other business you start it will vary based on the individual but its just income. As far as fees, Amazon takes 15% of your sale price, as well as a Fulfillment fee for them holding and shipping your inventory which is based =on the dimensions and weight of your product, but mine normally are around $3.

How many hours do you commit to this business every week?

  • It’s very flexible. When I’m looking for a new product it’s about 3–4 hours for a week or two, but after that its small management things that take maybe an hour a day.

Have you run into any legal issues with products you have sold on Amazon?

  • I have started selling a patented product because I was uneducated when I started and I got a cease and desist letter and that was the end of that. I also used someone’s photos (again ignorant at the start of this whole journey) and had a listing removed for that.

How has your Amazon business grown and changed over the years?

  • The first 6 months of trying Amazon I was doing an old method that didn’t work well anymore and failed 3 different products. I then learned the real way and the next month made $12,000, and over the next year, I grew that to $30,000 Profit a month, every month. Now I am focusing on going even bigger and creating a brand that can eventually be sold for over $10 million (that’s the goal).

Where can people find out more about what you teach?

  • I am mainly on YouTube & post a lot on there. My Social Media is:
  • I answer all messages on every platform but email is easiest, so anyone can feel free to message me!



Facebook Page:

Email: [email protected]

Is it possible to sell an Amazon FBA business and do you plan on doing so?

  • Yes, it is! Amazon Accounts go for a pretty good price right now. The average is about 2x Yearly Profit (a lot of variables also) but that is what I am currently working on. I am creating a brand that will start on Amazon and be on other platforms as well and the goal is to eventually sell it. Selling Amazon Businesses is pretty popular on sites like flippa.

Dillon Kivo

WSJ Bestseller | Founder of

6 年

Tanner J. Fox my man! Nice interview by the way!



