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Marc Sadler Studio
Official LinkedIn page of Marc Sadler Design Studio in Milan, Italy
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Interview, 2013
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?????????????????????? is an innovative system in Bathroom furniture, a modular programme that integrates a wide range of different functions.
Marc Sadler threw himself into the project with great dedication, realising ConceptWall like a chameleon, an highly variable "wall in front of the wall".
During a meeting Marc Sadler explained the background to the product.
??. Conceptwall isn't just a piece of furniture, it's about things like lighting and modularity as well. What exactly was your approach to the development of this product?
???? Light was one of the aspects. When Burgbad came to me and we were thinking about what we would like to do, we didn't talk about a piece of furniture, we talked about a platform. It wasn't about issues like colour and aesthetics; instead we thought about the efficient use of water, the clever use of space, and about the position of lights instead of just one lamp, because the user needs different kinds of light in night and day. It was obvious that we weren't talking about a piece of furniture, but about an integral, holistic project.
?? What was it like to suddenly find yourself facing the challenge of such a complex project?
???? The product we had in mind suddenly became a kind of machine. Conceptwall is a genuine team project, an experiment in which we all learned a lot from one another. We had to stop ourselves because we had so many ideas, so many wheels we wanted to turn. But we decided to launch one initial part to learn from it before we complete any further modules.
?? What was the crucial factor in the development process – the design, the functionality or the economic side?
???? We gave equal consideration to all the factors. There were no taboos, not even for price. We made decisions about the quality of the light, the usage properties and the noise (we don't like doors that make a noise when you close them). Installation was an issue too.
I wasn't aware that anything like pre-wall installation for the bathroom was available on the German market. We adapted to the market. At the same time, with Conceptwall, we also wanted to move away from the usual standard walls.
?? Will this solution also be compatible with an altered bathroom culture?
???? Today, the bathroom isn't more the same. It was different from our parent's generation. It's become much more of a place in its own right, and it has to accommodate two bathrooms: a functional bathroom and a mood bathroom. In the bathroom we want to see and live ourselves – for instance with good light for shaving or getting ready for a visit to the theatre, and with soft light for when I come back in the middle of the night and am a bit afraid of getting too good a look at myself. So I need lighting that I can change.
?? So Conceptwall adapts to both mood-related and functional needs – is that all?
???? No, it's about the underlying concept. Cconceptwall is a machine, but an invisible one. It has a front, an outer skin if you like, which has to adapt to lots of different tastes in terms of architecture and decoration.
But underneath this skin, it's always the same product.
?? So it's a product that will sell for a long time – on the manufacturer's side – and stay put for a long time – on the consumer's side – with the result that both sides will have a lasting benefit. That's one form of sustainability, wouldn't you say?
???? Of course. Conceptwall has a kind of invisible intelligence, and that allows the product to evolve as the years pass. It will even change the way the sales force thinks: they won't be selling a finished product any more, but a system that can be tailored to the customer's needs and has to be promoted accordingly.
?? As a designer, how did you become so aware of the problems facing the sales force and the market?
???? It's all about the needs of the people who use a space. In this case we are talking about a bathroom. Obviously as a designer I bring my own ideas to an assignment, but in this case I had to fall back on the company's knowledge as well. We are talking about industrial design, we are talking about real design – it is not a piece of sculpture. Burgbad really fulfills the needs of the market and has the necessary competence in many different respects – whether you're talking about marketing, design, talent or business. And I believe Burgbad has the potential to build credibility when it comes to the field of across-the-board bathroom equipment.
After all, we don’t buy a car by buying the wheel or the seats – we buy a complete, compact car. With Burgbad, consumers have this chance.
?? One final question: what is your own bathroom like?
???? I live in a big family and everybody wants to feel at home in the bathroom, so there are lots of compromises. But there's a nice side to that as well. One part of the space is structured by the kitchen modules I used to design for Boffi, with an antique mirror hanging next to them, whereas the lamps are high-tech and we have a big shower lined with mosaic tiles. It's a kind of fusion between various things professionals and cosy.
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By Burgbad
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