Intervals in Films
They say its when you see a Policeman and they look too young that you know that age has finally caught you out .
Mine, is based on the fact, that I am now a vanishing demographic, that can remember when you used to have an interval in a film -primarily to pester the hell out of your parents, to gorge yourself on sweets you would normally never go near, or Kiora orange drinks....
But could it be the answer for the present and future generations?
We are informed that children/young Adults are very good at multi tasking, but have difficulty concentrating on just one subject or things for shorter and shorter periods of time .The whole second screen industry has grown up around this, allowing someone to graze on two screens, rather than concentrating on the new one in-front of you.
Is this why TV has superseded Film because of the attention span deficit of those watching it?I am not in any way saying one or the other is superior or one is lacking but if the watching public have a short attention span then they are going to go toward TV -Box set binging also allows people to check on their social media in between to find if they world has changed when they were watching an episode ...
This also has a knock on effect in that to my knowledge, there are very few plays that last thirty minutes-I am sure we have all seen kids taken to the theatre, after a specific time, how ever entertaining the theatre, start to move around in their seats-Hamlet is always a winner for this!Outside of this Exams are three hours....
So bring back Intervals in Films ...the advertising industry can then also pester you to death in between, or that gorilla in the corner could come forward ...merchandising- so three days later, that T shirt you always wanted arrives on your door,or maybe the film should advise people what they are going to pestered for .
Imagine Lone Ranger hats in an interval.........oh dear remember matinee performances with kids running down the aisles or Dress up films .Fifty shades of anything ....
I may have started something here---sorry