Intersectionality of Gender and Caste in Women's Participation in the Labour Force
A summary of an article published in The Hindu on 23 January 2024 on the same topic

Intersectionality of Gender and Caste in Women's Participation in the Labour Force

This is a summary of today's The Hindu Text & Context topic. I found this article really intriguing and informative so thought of sharing it with everyone.

The intersection of gender and caste significantly impacts women's participation in India's labor force. Structural rigidities in the manufacturing and service sectors have limited employment opportunities, especially for women facing gender bias and caste discrimination. This often pushes women, particularly from lower castes, towards agricultural or informal sector jobs. Interestingly, women from lower castes tend to opt for public sector jobs due to reservation policies, while those from upper castes exhibit the lowest work participation rates. Furthermore, women from lower castes have a higher presence in informal activities during tough labor market conditions, offering limited social mobility.

In rural areas, women's labor force participation tends to increase in the informal economy when there are higher numbers of lower caste and female-headed households. However, higher economic stability within households reduces the likelihood of women, even in female-headed families, seeking employment. Societal expectations for women to focus on housework further hinder their workforce participation, leading many to prefer informal sector jobs over unpaid domestic work or unemployment.

Limited educational opportunities confine many women to informal sector jobs, but those who pursue education beyond school can benefit from affirmative action policies, gaining entry into the formal economy. Regardless of the sector, women's participation in the labor force is beneficial for both the women themselves and society as a whole. When women earn, their children are more likely to attend school and they are less susceptible to domestic violence. Despite the challenges rooted in caste and gender bias, women's workforce participation positively influences the socio-economic fabric of society.


