Intersect Development Update #5 - March 15th
This week’s report includes some exciting additions, including updates to our knowledge base, committee updates, a new job opportunity, GovTool, and SanchoNet news. So, let's delve into these topics together and see what's been brewing in Cardano governance!
Knowledge base update
We have a few notable items and updates to highlight in our knowledge base. We’ve updated pages on hard forks, including a page on the Chang upgrade, and updated our Intersect overview section to include a page on the Delivery Assurance function.
The open-source committee (OSC): March offers a fantastic opportunity for all of us to significantly impact the direction of the Cardano open-source strategy. Throughout this month, the community will conduct a comprehensive strategy review.
Your voice matters, and we invite all community members to share their thoughts, ideas, and feedback on the Cardano open-source strategy draft. The OSC has shared a public open-source strategy document where you can provide comments, suggestions, and insights to shape the final draft strategy. Your input will support refining and improving our approach to Cardano’s open-source development.
For those eager to roll up their sleeves and dive deeper into the open-source strategy's nitty-gritty, the OSC offers a fantastic opportunity for active involvement. Join our Technical Working Group, where you'll have the chance to directly contribute to developing and refining the strategy's technical aspects. This is your chance to be at the forefront of shaping the future of Cardano’s open-source initiatives. Your expertise, ideas, and enthusiasm will be invaluable as we work together to craft a strategy that reflects the ethos and goals of our community.
The collective wisdom and diverse perspectives the Cardano community provides during this feedback stage will undoubtedly lead to a robust, inclusive, and forward-thinking strategy to guide open-source efforts on Cardano for the foreseeable future. Learn more about the OSC by checking out their knowledge base.
New role to support the consultation on Cardano’s constitution
Intersect and its members play an important role in shaping the proposed on-chain governance mechanisms - and the development of off-chain tools and processes to support it, including the rollout of Cardano’s first Constitution. The drafting and ratification process for Cardano's Constitution will occur throughout 2024, involving thousands of participants worldwide. We’re looking for a Community Engagement Manager to support the rollout and consultation process overall. For those interested, Intersect members are encouraged to apply! Read more. ?
Community tooling
The first Community Tooling Decentralization working group took place this week, presenting an opportunity for the community to collaborate on devising a decentralized strategy for assessing grant proposals. With the Open Category - Cardano Governance closing on Thursday March 28, you must get your skates on if you intend to apply. We aim to set up a small pilot evaluation group of 4-5 people to support evaluating applications. This working group will feed any decision for ratification to the Membership and Community Committee (MCC). As we progress, the working group's scope may extend to milestone approvals and the selection of future grant categories. If you want to hear more and participate, please join our Discord Channel and contact the grants team directly.
SanchoNet update
Intersect member and grant recipient Eternl has released a new beta browser extension for testing new features, including SanchoNet support. You can now use Eternl wallet on GovTool - the friendly user interface connected to SanchoNet. Learn more about the release here. You can download the wallet extension for Chrome, and feel free to join the Discord channel.
In other wallet-related news, the Cardano Blockchain Infrastructure Alliance (CBIA) has scheduled a call on Wednesday, March 20, at 16:00 UTC, during which the Intersect wallets working group (WWG) will discuss its goals and progress, especially its Query Layer Initiative. You can register your interest in participating in the call. Here are this week's stats for SanchoNet:
GovTool Update
Govtool continues to evolve, with the initiation of two crucial features: the governance action submission and the DRep directory. These enhancements aim to streamline governance processes and improve user experience within our community. Soon, users can propose and submit actions directly on the platform, fostering transparent decision-making.
Additionally, our direct voter feature is undergoing testing and will soon enter beta, allowing users to influence platform direction directly. Furthermore, our proposal discussion feature is nearing the end of its design phase, with usability testing on the horizon. We're committed to fostering a collaborative environment where every voice is heard. Stay tuned for further updates as we continue to enhance your experience.
Govtool user stats for the week:
We are extending the call to those who may wish to join a governance tool working group and participate in decentralizing governance tool development. If you’d like to participate, please complete this form. You can learn more about decentralizing governance tool development in this short orientation.
Intersect events
For those interested in attending the Teamz Blockchain and AI summit in Tokyo, Japan, we have a confirmed timeslot and agenda for next month. Our very own Jack Briggs, Intersect’s director of marketing and communications, will deliver a keynote speech on the main stage at 14:00 JST on? April 13 You can review the full agenda here. We’d love to see you there, and we’ve obtained a special discount for our members. To attend, please visit and use the code INTERSECT2024 at checkout.
And a quick reminder that if you happen to be in Japan tomorrow (March 16), Intersect members @adamKDean and @yuta_cryptox are hosting a dedicated governance and Intersect workshop in Tokyo! You can register your interest here if you’d like to participate.
Concluding this week's update, let's remain dedicated to nurturing a thriving Cardano community built on collaboration and empowerment! If you’d like to participate in any of the above subjects, join Intersect today.