INTERSCT. Round Tables
Harold Weffers, EngD
Coordinator External Partnerships at Eindhoven University of Technology
The digitalization of our society, including our industry, is progressing rapidly and more and more products are becoming connected using the Internet. Such products with digital components will become subject to a range of new legislation and regulations with respect to cyber security such as the Cyber Security Act (CSA), the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), the Radio Equipment Directive (RED), the Network and Information Security Directive (NIS2), the Product Liability Directive (PLD), the Machine Directive, the Medical Device Regulation, the UN R155/R156, etc.
Many of these will also have serious implications for the companies designing, developing, deploying, operating, and maintaining these as well as their suppliers.
The target audience for these sessions consists of CTOs, CIOs, CISOs, CEOs, system and software engineering professionals and cyber security professionals working on the cyber security of connected systems (e.g., Internet-of-Things).
After the very successful INTERSCT. Round Table on cyber security of Internet-of-Things sessions in June and July, three new sessions have been planned in October, November, and December:
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