INTERSCT. Round Table on IoT Product Security
Harold Weffers, EngD
Coordinator External Partnerships at Eindhoven University of Technology
The digitalisation of our society, including our industry, is progressing rapidly and more and more products are becoming connected using the Internet. Such products with digital components will become subject to a range of new legislation and regulations with respect to cyber security (e.g. CRA, NIS2, RED3, UN R155) and many of these will also have serious implications for the companies designing, developing, deploying, operating, and maintaining these as well as their suppliers. However, what should we change in industry, government, and society to ensure products and services to be used that are secure when acquired and remain secure while in use? What is your opinion?
We will start the session with an introduction to the changing legislation and regulations by Ben Kokx followed by two series of pitch presentations by the participants. During these presentations, presenters should focus on (1) the most important cyber security ‘problems’ they foresee today and those that they foresee in the coming 5 to 10 years, and (2) their suggestions for ‘handling’ these.
10:00 Opening by Harold Weffers
10:00 Introduction to new legislation/regulations by Ben Kokx
10:45 Series of Pitch presentations by participants
12:00 Lunch
12:45 Series of Pitch presentations by participants
14:00 Closing
For each of the sessions, we accept a maximum of 15 participants from industry and government.
Registration is?open.
About Ben Kokx
Ben Kokx has over twenty years of security and privacy experience within Philips. For the last decade, as Directory Product Security, he is responsible for security related standards & regulations and the global Philips Product Security Policy and Process Framework. Ben is a healthcare and IoT security expert who leads and participates in several industry associations and standard development organizations.?Ben is, as the convenor of CEN/CENELEC JTC 13/WG 6 and WG8 on product security and RED, closely involved with the development of security standards to be used in European legislation. He is also the chair of the NEN norm committee on Security & Privacy and chair of the NEN Working Group on IoT Product Security.