Interrupt your autopilot to maximize coaching outcomes
At ReciproCoach, we have made it our mission to be coaches' lifelong companion for professional and personal growth.
When you drive a car on autopilot, your capacity to respond is greatly reduced. The same is true for coaching—if your autopilot takes over, the coaching falls flat.
Effective coaching requires a certain degree of?mindful agility, and as coaches, we need to actively build our mindfulness muscle before, during and between sessions.
Embodying a coaching mindset?was a welcome addition to the updated ICF Core Competencies. It put a measure on what had hitherto been immeasurable and boosted recognition of the value of reflective practice, regulating one’s emotions, mental and emotional readiness, and self-awareness—all qualities of a mindful coach.
Yet mindfulness is not only at the core of an embodied coaching mindset. It’s also a fast track to amplified coaching presence, helping you remain focused, observant, empathetic, and responsive to the client and supporting you in staying in a state of curiosity and not knowing.
And so, for a second year, ReciproCoach has partnered with?Brett Hill, The Mindful Coach?to support coaches in developing the day-to-day mindfulness practices that we need to be able to interrupt our autopilots, embody the coaching mindset and access the quality of presence needed to fully support our clients during coaching sessions.
Our Mindfulness Peer Coaching Round includes access to Brett’s?Coach-Centered Mindfulness & Presence FastTrack?online, video-based course, and together with your assigned peer coach and peer client, it will support you to do any or all of the following:
Find out more about what our?Mindfulness Peer Coaching Round?includes and read?testimonials from past participants. If you’re already convinced of the value of mindfulness, register now as a?first-time participant, or if you participated last year and want to reinvigorate your mindfulness practice this year, register as a?past participant?for half the price. Registration closes Sunday, October 27.
Speaking from my own experience as a participant last year, this Mindfulness Peer Coaching Round has the potential to impact you on a deep level, both personally and professionally. By coupling mindfulness training with giving and receiving peer coaching, you will be actively supported in developing mindfulness practices that can yield long-lasting results for coaching mindset and presence.
Supporting mindfulness in coaches and coaching,
Kerryn Griffiths, PhD, PCC
Global ReciproCoach Coordinator