Interpol Specialist Group on Crimes Against Children 2019
Law enforcement, industry and academia from all over the world came together this week at #Interpol HQ in Lyon to discuss best practices, global trends and challenges we face in the global fight against sexual exploitation of children. Being part of and working with this global family of people who dedicate their lives to the safeguarding of children is extremely rewarding and a true privilege.
This year was my last time as Chair of the Serious and Violent Crimes Against Children subgroup. It has truly been an honor to represent my country and agency in this capacity on this extremely important topic. I hope that the initiatives I’ve helped bring to the global stage will prove to be successful over the coming years and will contribute to making this world a safer place for kids to live in.
A big thanks to my fellow chairs Paul Griffiths, Jim Cole, Arnold Guerin and Regis Villette.