An Interpersonal Communication Refresher: Three Quick Tips

An Interpersonal Communication Refresher: Three Quick Tips

Interpersonal communication is near the top of the list for valuable life skills. Our ability to effectively communicate with others will determine the outcomes of events and the quality of relationships and be a large factor in our own mental health.??

You will see the impact of interpersonal communication when you’re running a business everywhere.? Your vision, mission, expectations, coaching, encouragement, correction, strategy, adjustments, performance management, sales performance…. Everything you need to be successful is heavily influenced by your interpersonal communication.

If we put bits into the mouths of horses so that they obey us, we guide their whole bodies as well. Look at the ships also: though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. Also, the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts great things.?

James 3: 3-7

If you do anything long enough, it’s easy to let your fundamental technique drift.? Little quirks can creep into the basics that hinder you from being at the top of your game.

You stop moving your feet on the tennis court and put too much wrist into your golf swing. Your jump shot turns into a static-free throw on the basketball court. Instead of making a roux, you pick up a box of pre-made gumbo mix.??

So goes our interpersonal communication skills if we’re not ever mindful of them.??

Three Quick Tips for Better Interpersonal Communication

1. What is Your Objective?

You are communicating for a reason; what is it?? What are you trying to accomplish with any given interaction?? We should ask ourselves these questions as a consistent mental discipline supporting our communication.

Knowing what you want out of personal interactions will help to minimize negative outcomes.? You will be better able to control emotional tension and stay on point if you remain tethered to a constructive objective.??

If you don’t have any purpose for your interpersonal communication, get one.? Rambling on with no point or direction can damage your credibility with people in your orbit who would likely have something better to do than listen to pointless blather.?

2. What Is the Best Form of Communication?

In the modern era, we have more ways than ever before to communicate: face-to-face, phone, video conference, email, text, and handwritten notes.? You need to be intentional about matching the communication channel to the substance of the message.

Serious, more weighty issues should be handled face to face if at all possible.? Avoid communicating sensitive or potentially volatile information by email or text.??

Various communication channels are like clothing in that the channel itself is a form of communication.? Wearing ripped jeans with a t-shirt to a wedding would seem off to most people, just like a suit and tie would be out of place at a pool party.

Communication channels are also uniquely suited for specific purposes or applications.? Questions that likely require some back-and-forth dialogue are best handled in a verbal conversation, such as on the phone or in person.? In contrast, communicating large amounts of data you expect the recipient to recall is much more suited to sending via email.??

It’s a pet peeve of mine seeing people exchanging numerous text messages back and forth, interrupting a face-to-face meeting with someone else rather than simply picking up the phone and calling when free.??

Choosing the wrong communication channel can de-rail the objective or effectiveness of what you’re hoping to convey without you even realizing it.

It’s important to consider the best form of communication, given the nature and content of what you are communicating to others.??

3. How Will the Other Party Receive the Message?

Be sure to activate your emotional intelligence to consider how the recipient of the communication will receive it.? Be as objective as you can and ask yourself how you would receive the message if you were in the recipient’s position.? A little empathy goes a long way in working toward effective communication.

All Messages Are Not Created Equal.? There are many factors that may influence how someone is likely to react to a message.? The situation, importance, complexity, volatility, emotional factors, or consequences can all be clear forecasters of how someone will receive a message.??

Know that your analysis of “how will the other party receive the message” should influence choosing the best form of communication from Tip Number 2 above.

Exercising empathy and considering how others will receive your communication will prompt you to evaluate the communication channel and tailor your messaging to accomplish the objective you establish under Tip Number One, “What’s Your Objective?”??

Like an errant golf ball, our interpersonal communication doesn’t always go where we intend.? Refresh your communication skills by using the three tips described above as regular discipline in preparing to engage with your peers, customers, staff, or family.??

There is no downside to improved communication, and we all benefit by brushing up on the fundamentals.


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