Summer can be a great time for students to recharge, but it doesn’t have to be a vacation from planning and learning. The time away from school can be a valuable opportunity for students to explore careers they may be interested in. Should the young person in your life be considering an internship this summer??
If you’re a parent or caring adult, we have actionable answers from trusted experts and leaders on the topic. On April 11, college and career coordinators from DC Public Schools, Symphoni Henri and Sekenia Welch joined us for “Make the Most of Your: Internships and Jobs,” the fourth BigFuture Live of the year, a series of community events where students and families can get their questions answered.??
Here are the fast facts: Internships can...??
- Inspire a career choice or college major. Internships allow students to try different things and help them see what is out there when it comes to specific industries or jobs. If they have a career or area of study in mind for after high school, an internship can be a great way to learn more about that path and confirm that it is an area they're really interested in.??
- Give you a peek into the working world. While an internship can feel like a volunteer opportunity, especially if unpaid, it is often more structured. Interns will have a supervisor or manager that can teach them new things, offer direction, and provide helpful feedback.??
- Teach you important skills. Many jobs will require key skills like time management, problem solving, or computer skills. Through an internship, students can get hands-on experience that gives you the chance to build those skills.??
- Connect you with experienced leaders or mentors. Internships can be a way to network and start to build connections with people that can help them long-term. Students can connect with colleagues to ask questions and to learn from them.?
- Offer flexibility. Internships can be full-time or part-time, for the full summer or just for a couple of months in the summer. Students should research to find the best fit and work with their schedules.??
- Boost a resume or college application. Whether you decide to get an internship or engage in a summer job, students should take the initiative to make the opportunity connect to their goals. Think about a LinkedIn profile: What would you want to write about this experience???
If your student hasn’t started thinking about what comes next, encourage them to check out our guide for career exploration: Your Guide to Career Exploration – BigFuture | College Board