Internship at Oasis Infobyte
I'm so happy to tell you all about my fantastic one-month virtual internship with Oasis Infobyte. It was a wonderful experience that helped me grow a lot in Data Analytics. I got to do lots of different tasks that really helped me improve my skills. Hey everyone! Just finished my internship and I'm excited to share all the cool stuff I did with you.
Task 1: EDA on Retail Sales Data
For our first task, we dived into performing exploratory data analysis by examining retail sales data. So, we had to get the data and clean it up real nice. Then, we did some basic math stuff like finding averages and stuff. After that, we looked at how sales changed over time, like a time-traveling adventure. Then, we got to know our customers and products better. And because pictures are easier to understand, we made some graphs and charts to tell the story. Finally, we gave some smart suggestions based on what we found out.
Check it out here: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on Retail Sales Data.
Task 2: Cleaning Data
Next up, Our task was all about getting our data in shape. We started off with Data Integrity – basically, making sure our data was accurate, consistent, and trustworthy. No mistakes allowed! Then, we had to play detective with the data – handling Missing Data. We had to figure out how to fill in the gaps so that our information was complete. And let's not forget about finding and removing duplicate entries – that was crucial to keeping our data unique. We also standardized everything to make sure it was all in a consistent format for easy analysis. And of course, we had to be detectives again – this time, spotting and dealing with Outliers that could mess up our analysis.
Check out all the detective work we did here: Air-bnb Cleaned Data
Task 3: Predicting House Prices
For our big finale, we jumped into predicting house prices. We started by gathering all the right data we needed for our prediction. Then, we did some digging and cleaning to make sure our data was good to go. After that, we picked out the most important features for our prediction model. We put on our magician hats and used Linear Regression to make our predictions using a special machine learning tool. And to make sure our predictions were on point, we tested our model with a separate set of data. Numbers are great, but we made it even cooler with some fancy visuals to show how our predictions matched up with the real values.
Here’s the link to the magic show: Predicting House Prices with Linear Regression
This internship was like a sudden burst of light for me, igniting my creative thinking and enhancing my skills in data analytics. A big shoutout to Oasis Infobyte for giving me this amazing opportunity – I can't thank them enough! I'm thrilled to bring all these new skills and insights into my future projects.
Thanks for giving the opportunity Oasis Infobyte
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