The Internship Experience
Whether taking an internship course is a degree requirement or not, make certain to secure an internship prior to graduation. The benefits of an internship are too great to miss.
My internship experience was by default because the course is part of my degree requirement; however, I received much more from this experience than I expected. Since my career was already in progress, I anticipated that I would just be going through the motions to fulfill this requirement in order to graduate. The knowledge, professional development, and opportunities are just a few of the top benefits that I have recognized and appreciate.
This internship course has taught me more about interview preparation. In particular, how to properly and effectively answer the "Tell Me About Yourself" question. I also learned how to write a more compelling cover letter. I have mostly valued learning how to create a more professional and marketable LinkedIn profile. Moreover, writing articles and posting them to my LinkedIn profile page, likely would have never happened had it not been for this internship experience. Having this knowledge allows me to share tips and insight with others who are in the job market or just exploring other possibilities that they may want to seek.
Professional development was another positive outcome from this internship experience. I was able to learn the role of a communication liaison. I have been most proud of taking part in new employee onboarding plus drafting new policies and procedures (P&Ps) and making updates to the current P&Ps. West Texas A&M University 's Office of Career and Professional Development have been an outstanding resource throughout this experience. From resume reviews, YouScience? results review and analysis to a mock interview, the staff has been attentive, thorough, and helpful through their support, guidance, and feedback.
Although I am currently working in my career field, I want to stress the importance and need to consider securing an internship. The opportunities to follow during and after the experience will far outweigh your expectations. I truly consider this internship as an advantage within my career as it has allowed me to gain invaluable knowledge and exposure to further advance professionally, as well as help future graduates or established professionals navigate towards a more fulfilling and rewarding career.