The Interns' spotlight on Books
Hi everyone,?
As you may or may not know Saturday was International Book Day! What an incredible celebration of stories – authentic or imaginative - that have taken our mind’s eye on various adventures, taught us lessons, and made us see the world from the comfort of our bedrooms.?
To honour this special day, the Vulpes Consultant interns have all selected one of their favourite books and one of their most memorable quotes from them. Perhaps, in this article, one of these books will spark your interest and inspire you like it did them:?
David and Goliath?by Malcom Gladwell
This book showed how everything is not always what it seems, by looking at something from a different angle, we may learn a lot more than what we expected.?
“Courage is not something that you already have that makes you brave when the tough times start. Courage is what you earn when you’ve been through the tough times, and you discover they aren’t so tough after all.?
The Break?by Marian Keyes
This book relates how love can truly conquer all, following a woman’s relatable life’s journey that is both funny, witty, and riveting.?
“The thing about personal growth, I’ve discovered, is that you rarely get any choice in it. It only happens as a side effect of some loss or trauma.”
A Million Little Pieces?by James Frey
A controversial debate of whether this book is fiction or non-fiction, where the reader explores the mind of a man battling his drug addictions and his struggle to gain sobriety.?
“When I see you, the World stops. It stops and all that exists for me is you and my eyes staring at you. There’s nothing else. No noise, no other people, no thoughts or worries, no yesterday no tomorrow. The World just stops, and it is a beautiful place, and there is only you.”
Snakes in Suits?by Paul Babiak
This book is a more intellectual and academic read into the exploration of modern-day psychopaths and how they can be identified and dealt with within the workplace.
“Psychopathic workers very often were identified as the source of departmental conflicts, in many cases, purposely setting people up in conflict with each other. ‘She tells some people one story, and then a totally different story to others.”
Hope this article inspired you to pick up a book - you may be highly pleased with what you find inside. Take our word for it.?