Internet Of Things(IOT)

Many ask me what is the Internet of Things?

And when I mention a specialist in the field for professionals, they ask me: What does your specialty in the Internet of Things mean?

Actually, they have a lot of right to ask!

So, if I connected any device via the Internet, would I become a specialist in the Internet of Things !?

The Internet of Things is actually a convergence of many, many technologies and fields, whose merging together creates a large world with massive and revolutionary applications called the Internet of Things.

Well, what did we understand, what does the Internet of Things mean?

The Internet of Things, very simply, has two main worlds:


-And stuff ..

Clear .. right?

But what was hidden was the greatest!

We start with the Internet, and you do not know what the Internet is ?!

The world of the Internet contains within it a very huge world, and it is the world of networks, networks of various types and structures, and with it comes the world of protocols with their various layers, characteristics and uses, the widest of this field, and the largest!

The Internet is like the nervous system in humans, which connects the beautiful organs and senses to and from the brain!

It is the carrier and the main possible to link things to each other through it!

We go to stuff ... What are the things really?

The stuff includes descriptively :: everything!

Everything around you, from the chair you sit on to the satellites, cars, bulldozers, buildings, sensors, and much, much more!

And when we talk about the world of the Internet of things, all these things share one feature in order to communicate over the Internet, and the common feature is:

Fit it on a computer!

All the examples of the Internet of things, things contain a computer chip, no matter how small it is. And the idea of containing it on the computer leads us to two important points:

Electronic computers, so who will design this electronic circuit?

And who will design its interaction with its surroundings from sensors and vectors?

Who will consider supplying it with electric power?

Besides many engineering considerations to work efficiently and reliably!

“It calculates, it calculates, it is a computer.” In our current context: it performs mathematical operations! And these operations are not done randomly!

And this leads us to a big world, called programming! Programming computer tasks itself!

And the list of tasks that the computer can implement and the way it works is the program!

So who will write this program?

Most of this stuff, in the modern era and in the future, will be completely wireless!

What do you give us this information?

The information advances an important and big thing, it is the world of wireless communication technologies, alternative technologies to known technologies such as WiFi and Bluetooth.

As once you change technology, many, many important things and considerations will change with it!

The current question in the world of the Internet of things now is: What are the technologies that help me and enable me to expand and provide more and more services to more customers more easily?

And above these techniques:

How will the data be transferred?

How to make sure that the message was received correctly?

How do you know that the message has reached its goal ?!

Here we get to the different layers of protocols in this big world!

How will things tie together?

Isn't there supposed to be a server that receives and processes data and connects you with the same thing?

what about you ? How will you view the data and control the devices ??

Here, the User Interface must be available: whether it is via a smart application or via the browser.

In order to monitor and control something, a link must be linked between you via the Internet, specifically via a server! The server that will host the data receiving and sending service, at least

And better: store it

And even better: show the data

Better: enable control of things

And better: it interacts with things by itself!

And in an advanced way: it improves artificial intelligence models on its own with the advent of data!

These things, very briefly, are what underlies the idea of the "platform": the platform for the Internet of things that will enable things to communicate with each other and interact with them.

So who will write the software for this platform?

Where is this computing server located?

Is it a local server? Cloud service?

In another way: Will computing be peripheral, or cloud?

- computing?

= Indeed, computing has its own big world and its different levels, from cloud computing to fog computing to peripheral edge computing!

Which had an independent talk with the article "How will self-driving cars continue?"

Sensors generate a lot of data, a lot of it creates the need for an environment to contain and access it quickly, and he is the world of Big Data!

More and more data will allow data scientists to extract the best information to make the best decisions

Data science and artificial intelligence, two worlds that provide a huge field for improving and developing different walks of life!

And here in particular we have reached the limits of a whole world, the world of artificial intelligence and data science, which has its roles and its great independent details!

From dealing with things: designing electronic circuits, programming computer chips, to having a good knowledge of wireless communication technologies.

Internet access, various network structures, and different types and layers of protocols.

Even development of the platform and user interfaces.

Taking into account the safety and protection at each of these points! And also taking other considerations regarding expansion and maintenance of devices.

All of these things that we have mentioned and perhaps more, fall under the vast world of "Internet of Things"!


