Internet of Things (IoT)
These are devices that have the physical tools to interconnect, collect and exchange data, among themselves or on the Internet.
They are known as IoT nodes or smart devices.
They are not only smart because they are able to connect to the internet, they must also fulfill one of these functions:
- Monitoring: This may be the most important of all because, due to the sensors, they will be able to recognize what is happening around them.
Example: speed, height, temperature, etc... .
- Control: From the monitoring they will have to take an action.
Example: open or close a door, send or retrieve certain information.
- Optimization: From the monitoring and analysis of the information they have collected, they should know how to use the resources, when strictly required.
- Automation: Facilitates and reprograms activities considered routine.
In summary, the internet of things is about all the objects that surround us, through integrated circuits and sensors, that are connected and collect information to exchange it with each other or on the internet, which will have the option to analyze the data to optimize resources and take actions.
We can separate the devices into 2 groups:
General: TV, alarms, lights, air conditioning, etc....
sensors: smoke, temperature, light intensity, etc...
Thanks for read and I hope you enjoy the IoT.