Internet of Things, Case Startup
Michael Spencer
A.I. Writer, researcher and curator - full-time Newsletter publication manager.
On my search of Montreal's most unique and interesting startups I stumbled upon a real keeper. This is me:
When I discovered:
#IoT #Startup #Innovation #RFID #Social ambience #RTLS #Opensource
Brand advocate UGC video:
How could companies like this exist, right under my nose and I don't know about them! The following quote is mine:
When IoT meets Social, a special kind of convergence can take place
A near genius concept:
- CaaS: context as a service, the creation of smart spaces with invisible technology.
- IoT to augment the intelligence and connectivity of your home & social spaces, venues, events, exhibits, conferences or smart space of any kind.
- Engineers meeting Entrepreneurship, these guys actually care about the sustainable advancement of humanity!
- Their open source philosophy is progressive, empowering and reflective of new values permeating the enterprise and small-biz sector.
And heck, their Barn Owl mascot is kinda cute no?
Montreal is notoriously good for young talent, though albeit with poor VC opportunities for startups, restrictive french rules in place where the brain-drain usually gets our best talent to move elsewhere (sad reality). However, that's not to say that Montreal isn't a hotbed of innovation. These guys were founded in 2012.
Any small business whose USP is IoT, has got my attention! The name of the company is smart, and check out this caption about the company:
"Life is about the human experience. Experience life through Smart Spaces."
Here we see really technical people, with a clear understanding of simplicity, design, and a holistic approach to the development of smart cities. For in the end, smart space lead to smart cities. That's the kind of futurism that we need. People that can anticipate the future, i.e. interactive design, are on the forefront of innovation, because these concepts like gamification, IoT, smart home, mobile - human smart interfaces, pervasive computing, a world where Big Data and RFID is linked with sustainable development in all aspects of human life. They realize that all these things in the future are merged and fluid automatically.
This company clearly has a vision that's 10 years ahead of its time and that's rare to see in a start-up.
Let's try another quote from this innovative company:
We connect the physical and the digital world. We connect people, places and things. Because their interaction is the future.
Fascinating and yet vague, the number of ways in which this company could evolve are nearly endless, as are the kinds of projects which they could undertake. The beauty of this company is that they provide the hardware and software and a vision of how you can change with the times!
Our invisible technology makes computers contextually aware of the physical world
This sounds like skynet meets design, and in the back of my mind I keep coming to the conclusion that the "smart-home" would be the best way for this company to market themselves and move to the next level. They appear to have 0-10 employees, after 3 years. Not uncommon in bootstrapped Montreal, but this still begs me to wonder. They have an online store to get you setup with this technology! That's the model I like to see, a sort of "I can empower you" with your spaces and events, while making the world a better place! Quite literally if I may say! Reelyactive, a Millennial engineering based startup. Please like them, if you can believe in such a concept that is inspiring and progressive.
Last if not least:
Imagine if every last bit of technology could adapt to your presence.
The advent of the smart-city is not going to be gradual, it's going to be sudden, and the transformations will be irrevocable. Machine learning, Big Data and stuff like this company does and will do, will make cities totally different and living in an IoT reality will be far more layered, interactive and intentionally designed.
The algorithms will keep "knowing us better than we know ourselves" to the point of no return. The physical and virtual space we will live in, and the connection between the two will continue to progress as a very fast rate, spiking in adaption from 2025-2050 in ways that back in 2015, it's still too early to truly anticipate unless you work in the field like these guys.
But what does SsaaS (smart space as a service) and CaaS really mean? In the end they mean, apps and devices serving humans better. This implications of this are endless and somewhat beyond our imagination at present. But companies like reelyActive gives me hope that Montreal won't necessarily always be a backwards town, that it can maybe keep up with the world, if not as a model city, at least of a center of education, innovation and smart business.
So still, what's are the implications in?
- Real-time tracking (RTLS, real-time locating system)
- Nano-like Sensors: Smart space infrastructure
- Mobile app development
- Software interfaces and analytics
Reelceivers are connected to the Internet in real-time and continuously listen for devices in range. They enable the space itself to be smart rather than just enable the already-smart devices within the space to become smarter.
Okay so not just a beacon, but somehow more holographic, more real-time, more social. So really, this company is an enabler, as they empower the tools and knowledge to develop things around IoT/RTLS technology.
Jeff demonstrates how RFID could be synced with social media feeds, I like the connectivity this could provide and smart IDing. We often think of IoT as physical and device orientated, but forget the social implications of what this means:
The POI (point of interest) synergy in social IoT they are creating is impressive and the opensource nature of how they do business is very appealing I think to Millennials. However, it might take a few more years until the market is actually ready for a company like this. IoT is akin to Big Data, big whales often talked about, rarely spotted swimming the virtual oceans.
They have have their own online store: (click on the following image)
Where has the human connection gone?
From a sociological perspective Mobile gamificaiton (apps & social media) are also training us for IoT, Virtual reality and all that is to come. That is, we are being conditioned and prepared for the next step, each decade bringing us more complex layers of "reality". Companies like this one, are just making bridges that will one day become the new normal.
I find social context of the virtual world embedded in real-time location VERY exciting! Mobile social ambience will lead to greater social intelligence systems and collective synergy. Imagine this at a conference?
From safety to social, from art to analytics, we unlock the value of the data you choose to share
Internet of Things
- Time
- Location
- Identity
(Platform agnostic software can map hyper-local context: people, places and things interconnected).
- Enable a connected home to respond to its occupants
Is the world ready for Context as a Service (CaaS)?
You decide.
Michael Spencer writes about digital marketing, gamification, user generated content and about startups he admires. Give him a pat like on facebook if you think he's on the right track. Or visit him on instagram to see what he is up to.
Analyst for Unmanned Systems Technology(UxST) OUSD(R&E)/DCTO(S&T)/Futures/Emerging Technology
9 年Thanks for sharing. It's Great to see another positive spin on IoT advancements. (while keeping it real) The Internet of Things will soon touch every aspect of everyone's personal space. You said it best, ...What are the implications in? Real-time tracking (RTLS, real-time locating system) Nano-like Sensors: Smart space infrastructure Mobile app development Software interfaces and analytics With each progressing step of technology and creation, we will open the opportunity for more growth. Thx again. -Joe
Hands-on software engineer and Entrepreneur
9 年As an engineer, I look for clarity in describing emerging concepts. The contribution of this article is introducing the term 'space'.
Cantor na sandro rezende o fera do arrocha
9 年Eu acredito nesse SONHO...Me ajude a realizar a grava??o do CD do SANDRO REZENDE O Fera Do Arrocha Novo CD e DVD - fa?a a sua doa??o agora.
Indie apps, Android, iOS, MacOS, Windows, and Web. I like finding the pain points and taking them away. Full-Stack Dev
9 年Definitely worth looking into. Thanks, Michael