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Internet of Things refers to a connection of billions of complex devices like electronics, sensors, gateways, actuators, and platform hubs. These tangible devices connect and interact with each other over a wireless network. Connected objects (or things) share data with each other and operate without any intervention by humans. The potential of IoT can be estimated from a study by Gartner that forecasts connectivity of more than 20 billion IoT devices by the end of the year 2020. A large implementation of IoT was first witnessed in manufacturing companies to execute autonomy and reduce production cost. Later its applications turned towards more commercial and general usage. Nevertheless, the possibilities that internet of things bring for the automobile industry are really immense. Different Automotive IoT use cases have popped up that are revolutionizing the way people interact with their vehicles

Connected Cars

The idea of connected cars is not new. In fact, according to an estimation by Gartner, there will be more than 250 million connected cars in the world by the end of the year 2020. These cars are connected over an IoT network called CV2X (cellular vehicle to everything) that connects vehicles and smart transport systems with each other. Connected cars facilitate fast transmission of data and increase drivers’ response time through enhanced vehicle communication. Based on the vehicle’s connection with different objects, the CV2X is sub-divided into four categories: Vehicle to vehicle (V2V): V2V connection allows vehicles in a proximate range to share data with each other. The data mainly constitutes information related to location, speed, and dynamics. V2V connection helps in preventing accidents and allow emergency vehicles like ambulances and fire trucks to easily move through traffic. Vehicle to infrastructure (V2I): V2I connection refers to a network of vehicles and road infrastructures. The infrastructure in V2I generally constitutes traffic lights, lane markings, and toll booths. V2I generally facilitates smooth traffic flow and avoid long queues at toll booths or petrol pumps. Vehicle to pedestrians (V2P): Through the use of a mobile application, a pedestrian can also connect with CV2X network. A pedestrian can use this application to locate nearby taxis and monitor the estimated time of arrival for transits. They can also connect with the pedestrian walking system and change traffic signals to cross a road. Vehicle to network (V2N): Intelligent Transport System (ITM) and weather forecast department can also connect with the network to alert the drivers about change in weather conditions or an accident on the road. Moreover, a vehicle can be connected with smartphones. This way, the driver can use voice commands to operate the music system and GPS of the car while driving.

Autonomous vehicles

Autonomous vehicles are a hot topic among automobile makers. Various car manufacturers are trying to develop a fully autonomous car that will assume all driving functions from the driver. Even though developments have been made in this area, a fully independent vehicle is still to be developed. However, semi-autonomous vehicles have been manufactured that partially assists drivers with driving, braking, parking, and lane changing activities. IoT infused semi-autonomous cars take on-spot decisions while partly controlling the vehicle operations to avoid accidents and reduce the load from the driver. Along with different proximity sensors and cameras, cars are integrated with IoT systems to reduce human error and make driving more comfortable and safe.

Automotive Maintenance System

Predictive analytics is one of the most startling features of IoT automotive. The sensors embedded in different components of a car collect data and share it to a platform. This data is then processed by an algorithm that can analyze the future outcomes of the component based on its performance. IoT automotive maintenance system also helps a person to take necessary steps to prevent its car parts from sudden breakdown. Just like dashboard indicators of a vehicle, this system alerts the driver about probable malfunctions. However, the alerts are sent to the driver’s mobile, way before the problem even occurs. This helps the driver to make cost-effective and time-saving steps to avoid component failure while driving. The capabilities of predictive maintenance can be implemented to an individual vehicle as well as to a fleet. It is really helpful for load-carrying vehicles that travel for days before reaching their destination. By using the automotive maintenance system a person can confirm the performance of its vehicle and repair its car parts before they break.



