Internet Speed and Marketing

Internet Speed and Marketing

Got any internet plans (broadband/ mobile)? Ever wonder why speed is almost one tenth of what you're paying? Why does 4G speed feels like 3G or sometimes even 2G speed?

They told it a 4 mbps connection and the speed is so slow that you feel they lied. When you ask for speed verification, the test result shows the speed actually close to 4 mbps! Now you go back to that video streaming app but still find HD streaming is so poor that it looks like a 512 kbps connection!!

Where is the problem? Is there any technical aspect that we’re not able to see? No. It is a communication issue or as I see it - a miscommunication issue.

When you opt and pay for a connection:

  • They say and print - 4 mbps
  • You hear or read - 4 MBPS

Can you see the miscommunication? Going back to basics:

  • Small b is for bit
  • Capital B is for Byte

1 BYTE = 8 bit or 1B = 8b.

When they say 4 mbps or Mbps, they actually mean 0.5 MBPS or 512 KBPS! Big B matters!!

They know it but they also know that most of common net users don't know it. We’re used to hear 16 GB to 512 GB or more for storage. Mobile storage, External USB storage and PC hard disks are all specified in terms on measurement with a big B. But the ISPs or Telecom Operators change the playground when they talk about internet speed. What is more interesting that they will mention data caps in MB or GB (not Mb or Gb) in the same campaign!

Marketing or miscommunication? You decide.

What do we do? Just remember that KBPS and Kbps are not same thing and read it carefully. If they say it verbally, ask them to write it!

PS: A standard HD video streaming will require 4-5 mbps speed, but the actual results will also depend on number of users sharing the connection.

Very informative article . But, what for TRAI is here? Every damn individual js looted and they are silent.



