The Internet and Mass Shootings

The Internet and Mass Shootings

A few thoughts regarding mass shootings.

It's pretty safe to say no that mass shootings are not going to go away anytime soon. We can take the easy route and blame guns. We can blame mental illness even. You know banning guns won't work as flying airplanes into buildings and strapping bombs on to yourself is banned and it doesn't seem to matter with someone determined to kill others. We Can't outlaw mental illness either.

I grew up in the 70s and 80s and we had both guns and mental illness in our society yet no mass shootings. Why do you think that is?

Think about the one significant change since then. The internet. Ideas going around the world in milliseconds. Subcultures being created within hours. Tasks that took days now take seconds. I Truly believe the human race is going through the next level of evolution. All this technology came at us very fast and it looks like we as a society can't handle it. Mass shootings, continuous global wars, opiate dependency, etc. are just the symptom of the new stress. 

Darwins theory is working his magic. Those who can handle it will evolve with the technology. Those who can't, unfortunately will be dead at a young age.

So, what's the solution? Ban the internet? Ban free speech? How about clustering on our own collective corners for group think sessions? Let's blame others based on race, sex or creed?

We all know that none of these will work. If anything technology is going to be more of a part of our society. First let's accept the problem we have which is that we are losing the ability to interact with each other without technology. People born in the late nineties through the present day never had the childhood that we all had prior to that time. I don't see kids playing outside as much anymore. This generation that has always had the internet and a computer in their pocket does know how to talk to each other in person. People don't know how to listen. Generally speaking, We have a whole generation of people that are socially inept. Like I said before there are those who will evolve and those who will not.

I think until we a a society figure out how to acclimate to the fast changes in technology, all schools, places of worship, arenas, etc... should have armed guards. The fact that a child can hoard guns and ammunition and slaughter his fellow students is unacceptable. If there were armed guards at each School. Maybe there would only be one death?

How about hiring ex-military veterans and ex police officers?

For those of you who read this thank you and I'm looking forward to a conversation.


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