Internet Marketing Has Changed Forever
Phil Aston
Editor & Founder of Now Spinning Magazine: Independent reviews and features supporting music and the artists who create it. Physical music brings you closer… Partner at Genius Loci Media
Here is a recent question I received from a potential client:
I want more traffic to my website, I understand you do SEO? I don’t really do Social so just want more organic visitors – thanks (client enquiry).
This question is not as uncommon as you might think so it is important to realise how the world of internet marketing has changed and how we got here.
I started in SEO in 1998. Back then it was an exciting field to be in because you could see the results of your work within hours.
Having your own website in the late 90s was quite new and web developers were seen as wizards (or webmasters at the very least).
A few changes to the title tag and keywords and you could be number one in Google within 24 hours.
Also, there were NO social media channels, internet connections were dial-up so no one watched a video and all your traffic came from search.
Social Media
Social Media arrived in 2006 but it took the next 5 years to really gain momentum. I remember being in a meeting with a very large and successful hotel and them saying ‘ Why would anyone want to be friends with a hotel?’ Also, the idea of looking at a website on your phone seemed ridiculous.
During the first years of social media, people liked pages very quickly and building a following was fairly easy and quick. This is no longer the case.
Google Ads / Facebook Ads
For a long time people ignored this, organic search and getting people to click on your links from social media seemed the way to go.
However, as every market became crowded, if you wanted to get in front of people’s eyes you needed to advertise.
In fact, on Facebook with exposure to your own following being down to less than 2% – advertising is the only real way to grow your business.
Who could have imagined a world where everyone is on their mobile devices at work, home or out with friends? If you look at what they are doing most of them are not searching on google but communicating via social media and message apps. They are sharing their lives and interests with people they have never met.
That same mobile device is now a movie camera able to stream live and share memories and thoughts with anyone in the world. Video is also the biggest growth area for consuming content.
Internet Marketing Has Changed
Back in 1998 the internet was still new, going online was exciting. People would wait for info to load because it was a new experience.
Now in late 2018, it’s not new, for many it has speeded up life beyond recognition. People are less patient, get irritated more easily and share their thoughts whether negative or positive with potentially 1000s of people.
Once upon a time your online business was your website. Now your website is part of your online business.
Your business now also has a facebook page, twitter account, YouTube channel and Linkedin. You might also have a facebook group or other online communities. You are also available via business listings and message apps.
In fact, some clients now find you via social media and conduct all their business/communications with you without even visiting your website.
So just wanting SEO on your website is not going to cut it.
Coming Out From Behind Your Logo
In ’98 you could remain mysterious and hide behind your logo with a PO Box number. Now people what to know who you are and get in touch with you as a person. This is where video and appearing in front of the camera is so important.
Nothing builds trust faster than video and being real. So no super slick video, just you in front of your camera can be enough.
SEO On Its Own Does Not Cut It Anymore
So to answer my client enquiry, I do offer SEO, but only now as part of an integrated approach using all the disciplines mentioned above. So your website and landing pages need to be ready as do your social channels and the targeted Ads you run on them.
You also need to be consistent, so a few days of scheduled social media posts and then nothing, because you are too busy, is not going to work either.
Get Back To What You Do Best
People come to me now because they cannot keep up with all the activities they need to do to market their business online. Plus nothing stands still and many times I have to delete a methodology because a platform or algorithm has changed.
I can do this in a moment because it’s what I do. The number of clients I have helped out after damaging their business from outdated information is huge.
My World Has Changed As Well
Back when I started there were not many people doing SEO or social media (when it started to emerge). Now the digital landscape is awash with agencies and digital marketing people. I have seen many vanish as well especially when their business was built on a specific aspect of SEO or a social platform.
I have been doing this for a long time and have a wealth of experience in what works and what does not. I will explain in plain English what you need to do and if it will actually help your business grow.
If you want any help with online marketing please get in touch. We will work with you as part of your team and take away any worry that you’re missing out or getting left behind in your marketplace.
Phil Aston | 01736 719342