Medicare Fee Schedule Changes in 2023
The internet is ringing with the news of the CMS Updates Final rule for the 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule. The finalized 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule was announced by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on November 1 2022. The 2023 MPFS features a decrease in the fee schedule conversion factor from $34.6062 to $33.0607, reflecting in part the expiration of the temporary 3% supplementary increase in fee schedule payments for CY 2022, among other significant modifications outlined by CMS.
Additionally, the 2023 MPFS includes adjustments to telehealth flexibilities that correspond to provisions of the 2022 Consolidated Appropriations Act, such as the extending of several telehealth flexibilities for a period of 151 days after the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency has ended (currently set to expire January 11, 2023, but subject to further extension). In addition to these revisions, the 2023 MPFS contains information on revised coding, work RVUs, and practice expense RVUs for E/M) and other services, as well as revisions to the Medicare Shared Savings Program and Quality Payment Program.
Principles of PFS
Effects of the PFS in 2023 on providers
Patient effects of the 2023 PFS
A glance at other factors
1. Reduction in the conversion factor and payment
The conversion factor was reduced by $1.55 in the 2023 PFS, resulting in a CY 2023 conversion factor of $33.06. This conversion factor also takes into account the expiration of the Protecting Medicare and American Farmers from Sequester Cuts Act's temporary, offsetting 3% increase in payments for CY 2022 as well as the statutorily required budget neutrality adjustment to take into account changes in payment rates.
2. Changes in RUC value for ophthalmic operations
The RUC-recommended practice expense and work values for the orthoptics CPT code 92065 as well as the RUC-recommended practice expense and work values for the anterior segment imaging CPT code 99287 were both accepted by the CMS.
3. Cataract surgery performed in an office
The CMS said in its proposed rule that it had received requests to establish non-facility values for the vitrectomy and cataract surgery codes because it had been indicated that these procedures may be carried out in an office setting outside of a facility in a safe and efficient manner. Before moving forward with a value, the AOA urged CMS to assess outcomes information on the effectiveness of surgeries in this situation.
The CMS decided to further analyze these services before establishing any values after expressing reservations about them in the final rule.
4. Techniques for raising the value of surgical packages globally
The AOA urged a continued reliance on the RUC process in the CMS' proposed rule when determining how many pre- and post-surgery visits should be included in a surgical package. The AOA stated that CMS should keep using the data gathered from the RUC Relativity Assessment Workgroup's work, which identifies services with global periods that may be undervalued. Furthermore, the AOA noted that such efforts would be better spent evaluating particular codes of concern as opposed to making generalizations about the global surgery packages as a whole.
5. Medicare reimbursement for telehealth services
The CMS indicated that while CPT codes 92012 and 92014 would remain on the Medicare Telehealth Services list through the end of 2023, CPT codes 92002 and 92004 will be removed after 151 days following the end of the public health emergency (PHE) declaration.
6. MIPS registry active participation
The CMS and the AOA agreed that it was necessary to postpone the requirement that MIPS-eligible clinicians spend one performance period at the Preproduction and Validation level of active engagement for each measure before moving on to the Validated Data Production level in the following performance period for which they report a specific measure. The CMS will postpone this modification until 2024.
We at Medisys Data Solutions, the Best medical billing and coding company in the US, will be closely monitoring these and other activities that have an effect on doctors and other healthcare professionals.
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