Internet Evolution: What Will The Internet Innovate Next?
Connor Gillivan
I scale companies w/ SEO & content. Daily posts about the process. 7x Founder (Exit in 2019).
As I’ve been reading The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution by Walter Isaacson, I’ve become transfixed by the impact that the Internet has had on the world since its discovery. I’ve taken time to think about the many tech companies that have risen to mass fame because of the Internet and I’ve reached a personal conclusion…the Internet has served as a magical tool to advancing age old industries since its inception into modern business.
In this column, I’ll provide examples of where the Internet has already pushed major strides in innovation. Then I’ll propose areas of the world where I still see potential for the Internet to transform the way we are currently living our lives.
Transportation and the Internet Evolution
Do you remember what life was like before Uber, Lyft, and other car hailing applications?
Perhaps you even still live in an area of the country where Uber and its subsequent competitiors have not yet broken through the local government to make their presence known.
Before mobile car hailing services, transportation was greatly dependent on taxi cab companies that were linked to large dispatcher stations located within their respectable cities. These companies continue to operate in most areas of the world, but Uber and its competition are proposing true competition to the age-old taxi model.
The taxi system was not capitablizing on the use of the emerging Internet leading it to become an inefficient and overcharged system of personal transportation. What happens when inefficiency occurs? Frustration. What happens when an innovator is frustrated? They find a solution. That’s exactly what Travis Kalanick did as he founded the idea that would turn into Uber.
The Internet evolution allowed mobile applications to be developed that disrupted the personal transportation and taxi industry. We continue to live through the aftermath of Uber’s initial popularity. We will see where the innovation leads us over the next 20 years. Will we eventually see the disappearance of private taxi companies? One can only hope.
Retail and the Internet Evolution
Do you remember when Amazon Prime did not exist? Sure you do. It really wasn’t that long ago.
Before the 1990s, most people in the United States and around the world still greatly relied on physical retialers for all of their shopping needs. Out of diapers and need more? Time to hop in the car and drive down to the local Walmart or Target. Need a gift for someone’s birthday. Time to head over to the mall and get some shopping done.
Around the mid 1990’s as the dot com boom was looming, online commerce started to build its foundation. eBay and Amazon were in their founding years along with hundreds of other online retailers banking on the potential payout of the Internet.
Again, we witness what happens when entrepreneurs see the possibility of a better solution to a true and tried way of living. Computer scientists teamed up with business minded individuals to built a new industry, eCommerce, that would subsequently sweep across the nation over the next 20 year.
These innovative groups of individuals had the novel idea that consumers should be able to search for a product on Google, find the best possible link to another website, and then purchase that good…all on the Internet. Woah! Talk about a magical leap forward for retail…all because of the Internet.
Traveling and the Internet Evolution
How did one buy a plane ticket before the Internet existed? Did you call the airline and place the order on the phone? Did you go directly to the airport to purchase the ticket months before your actual flight? Did you have to go to a travel agent that worked directly with the airlines and had the permission to sell you tickets? All seem like quite the hassle.
With the advent of the Internet and online payment, the way we fly would change forever. Today, we can purchase the ticket online, download it to our phone, scan the phone to get onto the plane, and then continue using wifi while on the plane continuously enjoying the power of the Internet.
Think of all the mini innovations that came as a result of the Internet just in that string of actions, i.e. ticket purchasing, airport check ins, airport security, airline luxuries. All able to move forward because of the Internet and innovative entrepreneurs who weren’t happy with settling how the current system was operated.
Traveling simply would not be the same without the invention of the Internet.
The Libray and the Internet Evolution
Remember when local libraries hosted reading days and they were the only place that you could rent a book you wanted to read? Unbeknownst to me, there may still be reading days, but I can only imagine what they look like today with the innovation of e-readers and digital books.
After stalling to innovate through the Internet, public libraries eventually were forced to embrace the potential of reaching more community members through the Internet. Today, once can order/rent a book from the library in digital form having it delivered to their Nook or Amazon Fire tablet.
The innovation of the library through the Internet has led to hundreds of competing services for people to gain access to digital books, magazines, and encyclopedias. As libraries made the decision to embrace the Internet revolution, they made an intelligent and saving step in the direction of not falling too far behind the private companies that were innovating in the space. A common effect of the Internet is the disappearance of old ways of industry that once ruled the way we do things.
The Evolution of the Internet Impacts Us Everyday
I could go on and on listing other industries that have been disrupted by the innovation of the Internet. The list is quite endless and hungry entrepreneurs are finding new sub-industries where they can challenge old ways of thinking through application of the Internet. Granted not all of them will become a success as big as some of the examples I have mentioned in this column, all of the initial thoughts and ideas flow back to one common question,
" How can I use the Internet to innovate XYZ industry?
Want to know Where The Internet Can Still Make Impact?
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