International Yoga Day - A message worth reading!
CA Chirag Chauhan
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International Yoga Day - A message worth reading!
It is common to associate the word Yoga with a system of physical postures and meditation. But Yoga in its original form has a deep spiritual significance which is lost in today’s body-centered world.
The Sanskrit* word Yoga comes from the verb root Yuj, which means to link or to connect. When we talk about linking or connection, an obvious question arises: to connect what with what? The very word “connection” implies that there must be two different entities separated from one another, and they need to be connected. The ancient Vedic text Bhagavad Gita explains that these entities are the individual consciousness and the universal Supreme consciousness. Some may call this universal consciousness an all-pervading energy, whereas most theists consider this Supreme consciousness to be God. The Vedic philosophy combines these two apparently contradictory concepts very beautifully. It explains that there is definitely an all-pervading universal energy. But the very existence of energy implies that there also exists a possessor and controller of the energy – the energetic – who is an intelligent being. Our individual consciousness or energy is a manifestation of the spirit soul inside our body, and this soul is a part of the Supreme Soul or the Supreme Energetic or God. The purpose of Yoga is to connect the individual energy with the universal energy, or put another way, to connect the individual being to its source – the Supreme Being.
In modern days, Yoga is often misunderstood just as a process of achieving good health through the practice of physical postures. However, the original purpose of this Yoga was to connect one’s consciousness to the Supreme consciousness by controlling one’s body, mind and senses; good health is just a by-product of this endeavor. Because a healthy mind resides in a healthy body
- Bhagavad Gita As It Is by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
A bird entangled in glass coated thread in a tree, taught two lesson today morning.
1) A bird trapped in a glass coated thread on tree, was helped by another bird with full efforts and love. He tried several attempts to rescue the trapped bird, though failed. Human needs to learn from birds. How they help each other during difficult times and put all efforts to save their species from problems.
2) We human being for their self-satisfaction and benefit are hurting nature. The Kite Festival in which most of us use glass or metal coated threads while flying kites are still founds on trees, even after 4 months. Imagine your home, full of glass coated threads and you are not able to move or you have to cautious of being trapped in threads while going to another room! The trees are home to birds and we have made their home unsafe to stay. Let us pledge we will use only use cotton based thread or threads which are not glass or metal coated in future.
Why I am writing now? I was aware about this problem faced by birds before, however I am writing as I experienced the pain and struggle of bird today morning for two hours and entire bird family of more than 50 birds being helpless and unable to rescue.
We need to reassess ourselves if we are degrading or hurting environment at the time of enjoyment or in our business or profession and let's pledge to not to degrade nature for our selfish motives and happiness.
First few minutes of video shows how birds are helping to rescue other bird which is trapped and last few minutes shows how team from Save Bird Org. help to rescue bird within 2 hours. You can store their number +91+8451899899, they do come to rescue bird in Mumbai for free of cost. Link of Video
Let's take a pledge to be more responsible towards nature and not to endanger life of other species. Do Share the message so everyone can reassess themselves if they are hurting nature.