International Women's Day | Narin Khaksari

International Women's Day | Narin Khaksari

In one word, how would your best friend describe you and how would your manager describe you?

Best friend: Energetic, adventurous?

Manager: Proactive

What does a day at work look like for you?

It involves collaborating with people and exploration/ideation are big parts of my day, lot’s of context switching but I think that’s what I love about it, it never gets boring here at Ofload!

What projects are you currently working on?

I am currently working on a cost prediction algorithm with the data science team and also leading the BI and metrics team to provide insights to our stakeholders on different aspects of our business and help them to make data-driven decisions.?

Who has been your role model and shaped the person you are?

I think if I want to talk about who had an influence on my personality I would talk about my mum who always pushed me to strive for better. When I was a child this constant push felt annoying but now I am glad she did.

But right now, I think I can say one of my role models is Melanie Perkins, Founder of Canva. Her mindset on growth is really inspiring and motivates me to be more entrepreneurial.

What advice would you give to girls wanting a career in product development?

I come from a culture where it was hard for women to show their talent and seek their dreams, but I broke that pattern and I am living my dream now! So if I did it, you can too! To the people who want to enter a product manager role and you think it might be hard because you don’t have experience in tech, I would say just start from somewhere, then experience and test →?fail → learn.

How did you celebrate International Women's Day this year?

I celebrated my achievements and looked at other women's success stories for inspiration.



