International Women’s Day
When it comes to gender equality, the finance industry is making progress, but considerable work remains for a fully level playing field. I asked a few of iA’s female leaders to share advice with their peers and potential new recruits on how they’ve thrived in the always competitive world of finance.
“One piece of career advice that I like to share with women is to remember to cultivate confidence in your own abilities.?While it’s important to work on your areas of weakness, it’s equally important to recognize and celebrate your abilities, skills and successes.?One way to do this is to keep a record or log of positive comments and achievements.”
Dolores Di Felice , VP, Chief Legal Counsel, iA Wealth
“I’ve been very fortunate in my 30-year career in the investment industry to have had many great mentors in guiding me with good advice. One female leader in particular gave me this advice, ‘play to your strengths and always keep learning and growing.’ I hope that my strengths in leading a team at iA Clarington will inspire other female co-workers to follow my lead and become great female leaders themselves.”
Victoria Bertucci Regional Vice-President, Inside Sales, iA Clarington Investments
“The one piece of advice I would share is to have confidence in your abilities and the courage to execute beyond your comfort zone. Take risks, make mistakes, and learn from them. Never stop reaching for the next level. If at first you don’t succeed, or are overlooked for a promotion, use this experience as a learning opportunity to expand your knowledge and capabilities.”
Lynn Knapp , Director, Marketing Production, iA Clarington Investments
“In my career I’ve had the privilege of working with strong, resilient female role models. Seeing female entrepreneurs taking charge and winning early in my career gave me the confidence and drive to take my place in our industry. One piece of advice I can give to younger generations is to surround yourselves with confident, resilient women who can build you up, guide you and give you the courage to succeed.”
Tamar Kirakossian , VP Sales, Quebec, iA Clarington Investments
“The best advice I can give is to challenge the status quo, maintain an open mind, trust your gut, choose to be curious rather than judgmental, make time to invest in yourself and surround yourself with mentors and advisors who are willing to invest time in helping you improve as a professional.”
Abrar Nantel, CPA, MA AVP, Finance & Fund Reporting, iA Clarington Investments
“As someone who relies on structure and planning ahead, I’ve realized, throughout my career, that life and work don’t always follow the ‘master plan.’ As a woman, balancing family, work, friends, household, finances etc. is a constant challenge! Although life and work may not always follow a plan, things happen for a reason and will add to your wealth of experience.”
Nancy Cappadocia , VP Finance & CFO, iA Wealth
“I went down a career path that may seem atypical given my background, but taking risks and stepping outside of my comfort zone have proven to be an incredibly fulfilling experience. It’s natural to feel uncomfortable when trying something new, but putting in your best effort and trusting yourself is key.”
Joanne Xiao, CFA Senior Product Manager, iA Clarington Investments
“Pay It Forward. Early in my career, a female acquaintance in financial services casually encouraged me to apply for a job on the trading floor. I didn’t follow through, maybe because of self-doubt. This same woman encouraged me to apply again and then coached me on how to negotiate salary and expectations for the role. This had a huge impact on my career trajectory, and I’ll never forget how this woman went out of her way to support me.
Maggie Childe , Head of Sustainable Investing, iA Investment Management
“I tell women to dare to be bold, to take risks, to enter rooms where they are not expected to be present, to speak up when others are silent, to stretch their wings, to get comfortable with uncertainty, to surround themselves with like-minded women who will be their personal board, and to give back: bring other women up with you! Develop grit, resilience and most importantly, hope.”
Rose Marcello, CFA, MBA Director, Client Portfolio Manager, iA Investment Management
I am proud to work alongside this leadership team who embraces the advances we have made with gender equality - and does so with integrity, honesty and passion.