International Women's Day: Female Trailblazers Who Changed the Lives of Those With CF
Jessica Burns, M.S.
Manager, Internal Communications | Author and Illustrator of 65 Roses For You | PR Week Most Purposeful Person Under 30 Finalist
Today, we celebrate International Women's Day (IWD), a global day recognizing the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. At the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, we work hard to empower both the women we work with and our cystic fibrosis community members to be able to live their lives to the fullest, in every stage of their lives.
This year’s IWD theme is #BreakTheBias and encourages us all to imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive, where difference is valued and celebrated. Our mission is to forge an inclusive work culture where women’s careers thrive, and their achievements are celebrated.
The Identification of Cystic Fibrosis and the Subsequent Creation of The Foundation
Did you know that cystic fibrosis was first identified in 1938 by Dr. Dorothy Andersen? Almost 20 years later, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation was established by a group of parents, including Doris Tulcin. Doris was inspired by her daughter Annie who was diagnosed with CF by Dr. Andersen in 1953. Annie will be 67 years old this June.
“When we started the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 65 years ago, no one had ever heard of this disease, and I’m not talking only about the community of parents, I’m talking about doctors. I think the average lifespan was then five years old. How unacceptable. I turned to my family and my friends, and I said, ‘we’ve got to go to work’ and we did.”?– Doris Tulcin
Over the past 65 years, our female employees and community members have been at the helm of some of our most impactful work. Our clinicians, researchers, advocates, community members, staff, and volunteers have all inspired us with their dedication to make CF stand for cure found.
“My hope for people with CF now is that they are able to attain what my daughter has been able to have. To be able to have a career, to live life to the fullest, to have children, to see grandchildren, and to be well, and to enjoy life, and not to suffer… not to suffer.” ?– Doris Tulcin
As we look at the milestones our staff have supported toward this effort – we know that this will someday be a reality. Please join me today and #BreakTheBias by celebrating a female who has made an impact on your life or inspired you by commenting below.
Manager, Internal Communications | Author and Illustrator of 65 Roses For You | PR Week Most Purposeful Person Under 30 Finalist
2 年Emma Thornton you already know that you inspire me every day because I tell you all the time. Your dedication to the CF community (both pwCF/family members and volunteers) is unmatched. You always allow a space for creative thinking, support and have truly changed my life for the better. You are an amazing friend, colleague, mentor, leader and just overall person. I would not be where I am without you. Thank you for being you!
Manager, Internal Communications | Author and Illustrator of 65 Roses For You | PR Week Most Purposeful Person Under 30 Finalist
2 年Erin Flior if it were not for us connecting years back I would not be where I am now - the happiest I have ever been in my life. Your dedication to The Foundation and our CF community deeply inspires me. You lead our team with brilliance, compassion, and determination to do the best possible work we can. Thank you for not only changing my life for the better but also for inspiring me every day!
Manager, Internal Communications | Author and Illustrator of 65 Roses For You | PR Week Most Purposeful Person Under 30 Finalist
2 年Jenna Vince In the almost two months we've worked together I have been absolutely blessed to work with and learn from you. In every scenario you have remained calm, cool, and collected. You have shown me the importance of work life balance and taking care of yourself and that it is possible to get everything done while doing so - it can be even better many times because of that rest. Your love for your Leo, passion for helping the CF community, dedication to DEI, and respect for our colleagues inspires me to do my absolute best every day. I know that as the years go on I will continue to be inspired by you and I truly look forward to it!
Manager, Internal Communications | Author and Illustrator of 65 Roses For You | PR Week Most Purposeful Person Under 30 Finalist
2 年Angela M Cirucci, Ph.D. When I spoke in my commencement speech during my undergrad about professors who saw potential in me when I didn't see it in myself, my mind goes to you. You took time out of your day, selflessly, to teach me and help me grow as a person. You inspired me every day in class because I wanted to learn everything I possibly could to keep up in conversations with you. You are one of the most brilliant people I know, and I miss you dearly. Thank you for inspiring me!
Manager, Internal Communications | Author and Illustrator of 65 Roses For You | PR Week Most Purposeful Person Under 30 Finalist
2 年Kelsey Warren Since day 1 of my career you inspired me to approach every person and project with positivity and kindness. The light you give off touches every person you encounter. You helped me learn productive ways to get through my struggles and how to laugh it off when things don't go as expected. Your friendship, compassion, positivity, brilliance, work ethic... really everything you are has inspired me so deeply. Thank you for being you!