International Women’s Day: Chatting with Kate Palmer
Peninsula UK
UK's leading provider of hr, employment law , health & safety support to businesses supporting 135,000 SME’s globally
International Women’s Day takes place on 8 March: a global day of awareness that celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women, whilst also acknowledging the need for further progression.
It seems strange that less than a century ago, women weren’t able to vote. And even just a few decades ago, it would have been practically unheard of to have women in senior leadership positions within organisations.
Whilst attitudes towards women have thankfully progressed since then, there are still a myriad of challenges that exist.
Take the gender pay gap for example which indicates that, even now, women are paid 15.4% less per hour than their male counterparts. And whilst the percentage of women in FTSE 100 boardroom roles is currently at its highest (39% ), just eight CEOs from the UK’s top 100 listed companies are female.
Despite paternity leave being openly available for most new fathers in employment, just ? of eligible dads take it. This means that the onus still falls very much on women to take extended time off work, although there could be other factors at play in this decision, such as men’s pay typically being higher than women’s.
We sat down with Kate Palmer, HR Advice & Consultancy Director at Peninsula to talk through this and give her advice on International Women’s Day. Kate has been with Peninsula for 15 years and is our go-to expert on all things HR. She manages a 200-strong team, empowering and inspiring them to be their very best.
So, Kate, what is the most important piece of advice you have been given?
"Be your authentic self and show your personality. Don’t conform to what you think society and business expects - business needs all sorts of people and characters!"
If you could go back in time, what advice would you have given your younger self?
"Simple enough: don’t sweat the small stuff.
"I only felt truly content once I reached my thirties. That was when I became truly comfortable with myself and who I was, and I suddenly had an enlightening moment when I had perspective; focusing my headspace on what was worthy of consuming my thoughts."
What advice do you have for women, whether in the workplace or outside of it?
"If you want to achieve something, you can. I truly believe that if you set yourself a goal and keep all your actions aligned to it, then you can achieve it. It’s about visualisation and then putting in the hard work!?
"There will be barriers and there will be people who don’t take you seriously because of your gender and appearance, or perhaps because you approach things in a different way.?
"But don’t let people speak over you or put you down, and don’t get bitter if you think you are having to work twice as hard as others to get the same recognition. Sometimes, unfortunately, that can be a reality in life. Be strong, keep that goal in mind, show your intelligence and confidence, and deliver with your head held high. The rewards will come, and so will your personal satisfaction!"
Why do you think diversity in the workplace is so important?
"Difference is essential and creates success.?A workplace with people of the same background, culture, demographic, outlook, and view is bound to be a narrow-minded one since no one will challenge one another. A successful business embraces different outlooks, thoughts, personalities – after all, a gorgeous meal is not made from one ingredient!"
What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
"To me, it’s a celebration of all the amazing women out there who work their backsides off in all sorts of different ways to succeed!?There are sometimes inferences that there is now gender equality in society. If this was the case though, gender pay gaps would not exist and there would be more women in senior roles or in work at all.?This is a day to celebrate brilliant women and raise awareness that there is still work that needs to be done and equality still needs to be strived for."
Which women’s empowerment moment inspired you?
"I could pick something high-profile like Jacinda Arden being brilliant as New Zealand’s Prime Minister - she is the same age as me with a young family as well - or I could say Annie Kenney, a suffragette from my hometown of Oldham who fought for women’s rights. But I find myself being inspired by women all the time.
"The moments that resonate most are when I see women in everyday life overcoming barriers. For example, my daughter having days when she lacks confidence as she feels excluded for not being ‘popular’, but then realising that to be yourself and stand out from the crowd is the strongest thing you can possibly do. Or my colleague making a life-changing decision to move to Manchester and follow her career for her and her family’s benefit.
"There are magic moments of empowerment all around us, from the little acts to the most explicit, and these are what I find most inspiring!"
Why do we need more women in leadership?
"Women often offer a different perspective, a different angle, a different way, and to make a successful team you need that difference. Seeing more women in leadership roles serves as real-life evidence, inspiration, and a confidence boost for those who may feel they’re unable to reach such an achievement."
What is the most significant challenge for women right now?
"I am a working mother with two young daughters, and I still think being a parent and a senior leader is really hard. It is very difficult to balance both. I’m very lucky in that I have a husband who splits home duties right down the middle and whilst, from what I see, that is more common than it used to be, sadly I still don’t think it is the norm. That makes it hard for women to succeed. Until there is complete equality in society, I question if there can be complete equality in the workplace as women often cannot give full commitment to the workplace.?
?"Somewhere in the busy-ness of life and the juggling of duties, you also need to find a little time for yourself - for Kate to be Kate - but often that comes way down the list.?Split across so many responsibilities and feeling you have to be 100% perfect in all of them.?
"I’m not sure who is creating that pressure - oneself, the media, society, work, other school mums – but it seems that for many women, whatever your focus is on, you’re riddled with guilt for not focusing on all the other things that also deserve your attention."
Gender stereotypes can be harmful and a barrier to equality. How can we all collectively address this issue?
"We must continue to break down gender stereotypes about women vs men’s roles at home, at work and in society. Keep chipping away and focus on what women can achieve, be it in school, in the media, and the workplace. But it’s also really important to sometimes just stop and have a bit of self-love and reflect on your own achievements instead of your failings and feel empowered by them."
What progress have you seen on gender equality in your life?
"There has been change and it’s great to see more women in leadership roles. But then I look at social media or catch at a glance at a reality show and wonder “have we gone back 20 years” with women acting as they perceive men want them to act. There is still a lot more work to do out there!"
Who is the most inspiring woman you know?
"It might sound cheesy, but it’s got to be my daughters.?They have such a strength I did not have when I was their age.?
?"They are strong, they are themselves, they will stand on a stage and act and sing, they have opinions, they wear clothes that do not conform - and I just did not feel like that when I was younger. But then they say to me that they are inspired by me, and I feel quite emotional at that!
?"I think maybe we are all stronger than we give ourselves credit for."