International Women's Day 2023, a reflection.

International Women's Day 2023, a reflection.

Today is a day to celebrate and reflect. A day of all 365 to loudly call out injustices and continue to collectively push through the many barriers and ceilings that limit equitable progress for women.

Today I reflect on the need to acknowledge our uniqueness, individuality and intersectionality, which requires respect and tailored considerations. The need to continue to trailblaze for equal pay, equitable recruitment processes, parental leave, workplace flexibility and a seat at the table.

Today I reflect on the need for diversity in positions of power. There is a need for more than one group of women with a seat at the table. I acknowledge the richness in our differences and push the need to have a variety of lived experiences and diversity of thought present where decisions are made.

Women's history month is a reflection of the social, economic, political and cultural progress we have made. Yet, it continues to shine a light on the long journey ahead and the limitations placed by policies and power systems tailored for some but not all.

We all know the powerhouses that have broken the glass ceiling. We celebrate them and aspire to be them. Yet, at the same time, we watch the news and scroll through our feeds to learn the stories of the women and girls who have opportunities and their rights taken from them. We live in the same time, in the same world, yet chance, opportunities and limitations can be so different for some.

So today, I reflect on my chances and good fortune to enjoy the fruits of the trailblazers before me who challenged the status quo and the patriarchy to get one bit closer to being seen and achieving gender equity. I speak of my mother, past bosses, and current mentors who challenged and questioned not just for themselves but for me and all women. We have a way to go, but every slight push, every question and conversation can make a difference.


