International Women's Day 2021
#ChooseToChallenge is the theme for this year's International Women's Day, on 8th March 2021; here's why we must do exactly that - choose to challenge!
This year’s International Women’s Day theme is Choose To Challenge. To challenge everything that women are told they cannot do or should not do, because women can do anything and everything!
As women we must challenge each other, support each other and push each other to achieve our goals – whether that is in business, in motherhood or as friends.
As the charity says, “A challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change. So, let's all choose to challenge.”
I like to think that I challenge things every day, every month and every year.
I am a devoted mum and daughter. My 84 year old mum is my hero, my daughter is my proudest achievement. My mum taught me that as a woman I could do anything – nothing was impossible. As a mother I reiterate this to my own daughter. As women we have a duty to empower, encourage and inspire girls and women around the world to change any negative opinions of themselves into a can do attitude.
#ChooseToChallenge – I choose to challenge static, outdated opinions.
As a leading finance broker, I am at the top of my field in a male dominated world. I challenge the view (unfortunately still real in some quarters ) that females are not as knowledgeable or capable of advising and guiding SMEs towards the most suitable finance for their business. In over 28 years as an independent broker, I am respected and highly regarded by my male peers.
#ChooseToChallenge - I choose to challenge gender stereotypes.
During the Covid pandemic, women have been at the forefront of the pandemic – doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, teachers, home schoolers, carers and fundraisers. Women have looked after the health of the nation, kept our children educated, and spirts high. For this, women must be recognised.
#ChooseToChallenge – I choose to challenge inequality.
I am a passionate advocate of the women in finance and women in business movements, supporting women in pursuit of their dreams and goals, to become entrepreneurs, business owners and business leaders.
#ChooseToChallenge – I choose to challenge gender bias.
Thankfully, in the last few years, women around the world are climbing the corporate ladder and the gender pay gap is slowly closing. Just last month (February) the number of women holding board positions within FTSE 100 companies has risen by 50%.
#ChooseToChallenge – I choose to challenge the gender pay gap.
I am proud of the work I have done working with a number of charities – most recently I have been a trustee of Kicking Off, a charity which empowers children and young adults in Ghana, especially young girls who often, due to cultural beliefs can miss out on education, sports and health care.
#ChooseToChallenge - I choose to challenge gender equality.
I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again. 100 years ago women were given the right to vote – as a result we have a voice and we have power. Today, we have seen women become Prime Ministers, Surgeons, Scientists, Engineers even Astronauts –sky’s the limit!
Nothing, least of all your gender is stopping you, so choose to challenge, as by doing so you’ll make a difference to today’s women and future generations.
You can discover more information, and how to #ChooseToChallenge on the International Women’s Day 2021 website.
#IWD2021 #WomenInBusiness #WomenInBusiness
#TheFuturesFemale #ChooseToChallenge