International Women Day | Women's Day 2019 | Celebrating Women
The iconic Ardhanarishvara is represented as half-man and half-woman, symbolizing the fact that Indian mythology treated men and women as equal halves. But as society progressed, the stature of women repressed.
Women have been deprived of their HALF in every sphere.
It’s time to REDEFINE their SHARE, it’s time to GIVE them their SHARE, their SHARE of RESPECT, their SHARE of FREEDOM, their SHARE of OPPORTUNITIES and their SHARE of POWER!
“The best way to change the society and the underlying issues is to channelize the power of woman in every walk of life.”
“Our mother is one person who makes us realize our dreams. They are the people in our life who work all day and night and that too without getting paid for it.”
Cheers to the existence of this great creature of the Universe! Happy Womens Day 2019