International tensions
In the face of current international tensions, many people find themselves speechless... And I'm one of them. Although the information we had been receiving for a few weeks all converged on the outbreak of this Eastern European conflict, I couldn't get used to this idea and I firmly believed, in my heart of hearts, that this disaster would be avoided. But now we have to face the facts. Eternal wars that have strewn the history of humanity will keep repeating themselves again and again, it seems, without anyone being able to do anything about it, powerless as we all are in the face of this sad reality.
Basically, we only have one word left to keep us optimistic:?HOPE. To drive this point home, Cathrine, I browsed the Internet in search of quotes relating to hope. I'm hoping that they'll do you as much good as they did me, like a soothing balm on the heart.
"Hope is the last thing to die."?— Francois de La Rochefoucauld, French moralist and author
"You should never say that hope is dead. It does not die, hope."?— Gabrielle Roy, Franco-Manitoban author born in Saint-Boniface, Canada
"The end of hope is the beginning of death."?— Charles de Gaulle, French army officer and statesman
"Where there is life, there is hope."?— Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish novelist, poet and playwright
Since we're at the beginning of a new season, and heading toward a new month, it seems this is the most appropriate time to look forward to new beginnings, both for ourselves and for a world constantly in flux and currently under fire in so many ways. Do your best to keep hope alive, because in the words of another world-renowned figure...
"Tomorrow is another day!"?— Scarlett O'Hara, Gone With the Wind
Of course, I can't sign off before reminding you not to fall for prank calls, snakes coming out of cans of peanut brittle, and the dreaded yet still effective "Your shoe's untied" on the first of the month, April Fool's Day.
I wish us all a week where the news points to a newfound peace. Blessings to all!