The International Review of Books
Credit: BookGoSocial

The International Review of Books

The International Review of Books provides high-quality book reviews for authors. Our reviews can be used in the Editorial Reviews section on your book page on Amazon, and on your website or blog. They can also be used on the cover of your book.

Authors and readers appreciate well-written editorial reviews. They are used by the largest traditional book publishers, smaller publishers, and independent authors.

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Description: The International Review of Books provides honest Editorial Reviews.


“The International Review of Books presented the ideal scenario for me as a debut novelist: it put my book in the hands of an experienced, professional reviewer, offering potential readers an analysis and perspective they can trust. These are reviews that will give readers a true snapshot of the experience of reading your book,” JC Alaimo.

“The best validation a writer can hope for is a good and thorough review from a reputable source. I submitted my novel to The International Review of Books and I’m extremely pleased with the results. Thank you for the kind words,” Victoria Saccenti.

“I was extremely impressed by the review conducted by The International Review of Books on my book, Skills of the Warramunga. Instead of being long-winded or rambling as some reviews are, in clever and concise language, the TIRB review was able to capture and depict all aspects of the story in a professional and efficient manner explaining clearly the reasons for the eventual rating given to the book. Very well done,” Greg Kater.

“It was a smooth and efficient service and I would definitely recommend an editorial review from you to other authors,” Pamela Sommers.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to help readers find books they love, and to help authors find the valuable Editorial Reviews they need. If you want an honest review of your book, which you can use in a variety of places, this service is for you.

This is not a reader review for the Reader Reviews section on Amazon. This is an Editorial Review for the Editorial Reviews section on your Amazon book page.

We do not place a Reader Review for you on Amazon. You place the review we provide in the Editorial Reviews section on your Amazon book page through your Author Central account on Amazon.

Who Uses Paid Editorial Reviews?

Paid Editorial Reviews have been available for many years. Kirkus is one of the better known services. They have been used for many years by the largest traditional publishers to ensure they get in-depth reviews of their books.

We provide high-quality Editorial Reviews in a way that is affordable for authors. In addition:

Your book will be listed in that month’s “Editors’ Selection” page for your genre on promoted to our 762,424 followers on Facebook and Twitter for a month if you select the Blurb/Short review option.

Your book will be included in The International Review of Books online magazine and be promoted to our 762,424 followers on Facebook and Twitter for a month if you select the review with a quarter or half page ad option. You may choose to have your book description shown instead of your review.

A badge, as appropriate, which you can use on your website or book cover.

Who Does The Reviews?

Laurence O’Bryan, author and founder of The International Review of Books speaking at the London Book Fair Author HQ, April 2018.

The International Review of Books has a panel of over 200 experienced book reviewers. We have been running review groups, building relationships with great reviewers and helping authors gather honest and legitimate reviews since 2014.

We have delivered many thousands of reviews in that time. We have the experience you need to deliver the type of reader review which will help you reach your goals.

Authors and readers can be sure that the reviews we provide are honest because we do not guarantee a positive review. We guarantee an honest review.

If your review is not either a 4 or a 5 out of 5, we will use the review to provide examples of where you might improve to achieve a higher score.

You will also be able to have your book advertised with the same size ad, featuring your cover and a link to your book on Amazon instead of the review in The International Review of Books. These ads will not be marked as reviews.

As the traditional publishing industry uses paid Editorial Reviews to bolster the book pages of their books, we see no reason that all authors should not also be able to do the same. This is about creating a level playing field and providing honest in-depth reviews for authors who need them.

When is a Good Time To Do This?

It’s never too late to get a book review. If your book has been out for some time and it needs an Editorial Review this service is for you.

If your book is coming out in the next 90 days you can also have your Editorial Review created in time for when the book is placed in Amazon. Click here to get started

Our services have been featured at: The London Book Fair, The Dublin Writers’ Conference, Algonkian Pitch Conference New York, Sleuthfest, Florida, The Key West Mystery Writers Conference and the Southern California Writers Conference.

How is The International Review of Books Different?

The International Review of Books is promoted to a huge number of followers on social media and by email. You get two real benefits with our service, a useful Editorial Review AND promotion.

In all the surveys we run there are two areas that authors have real difficulty with, getting reviews and reaching readers. Our service delivers in each of these areas.

After payment, you will be emailed a form to submit your book details. If you are in the EU you wil be charged VAT at checkout. If you are in the US, Canada or any non EU country you will not be charged any sales tax.

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