An international response to textiles

An international response to textiles

News from Landbell Group

On 6 June, Consorzio ERP Italia Tessile organised a technical webinar in collaboration with the Italian Foreign Trade Association (AICE).

Consorzio ERP Italia Tessile is the first producer responsibility organisation (PRO) with a truly European scope to be approved for the recycling of textile waste in Italy.

With its pan-European scope, the PRO can support manufacturers of footwear, clothing, clothing accessories and home textile products as they prepare for the new Decree on Extended Producer Responsibility.

These new regulations will involve all producers, retailers, importers, distributors, e-commerce and marketplaces in the fashion sector who will become liable for financing, organizing the collection, and starting preparation for reuse, recycling and recovery of the waste deriving from their textile products.

Read more here.

Environmental compliance

On 17 June, the European Council adopted its position on the revision of the Waste Framework Directive (WFD) with a focus on textile and food waste.

This general approach proposes several changes to the European Commission’s draft. For example, the Commission is asked to consider setting targets for the prevention, collection, preparation for re-use and recycling of used textiles by 31 December 2028.

Moreover, the general approach addressed the following points, which Landbell Group welcomes:

?? a more accurate definition of social enterprises

?? mandatory appointment of an authorised representative

?? mandatory entrustment of a producer responsibility organisation, and

?? an implementing act to specify EPR fee modulation

The Council’s position extends the proposed transposition period from 18 to 24 months, thereby delaying the entry into force of this much needed legislation.

To read more, go to the full article, where you’ll also find news on:

???WFD for textiles: Council adopts position

???Green claims directive: Council calls for changes

???Right to Repair: directive adopted

?? Packaging recyclability: study to develop technical recommendations

Chemical compliance

The European Chemical Agency’s (ECHA) Enforcement Forum – a network of enforcement authorities from the EU and EEA who are responsible for coordinating enforcement of European chemical regulations – has selected its next EU-wide REF-14 project.

Throughout 2026, inspectors will check if hazardous mixtures in products, such as air fresheners or electronic cigarettes, are classified, labelled and packaged correctly to protect consumers and children from chemical hazards.

These consumer products are widely available on the market and known to contain hazardous mixtures, such as nicotine products with acutely toxic substances or air fresheners with sensitising or irritant substances.

The authorities have also noted that these products are sometimes not classified and labelled correctly or do not have child resistant fastening, which may expose children to risk.

Go to the full article for more details. You’ll also find news on:

???Chemical regulations enforcement: next EU projects announced

???Mercury: new EU bans approved

???Mineral oils: upcoming restriction on use in France

???Restriction of siloxanes: EU and USA make progress

For more articles on what's happening in the world of EPR and the circular economy, go to June’s issue of COMPASS.

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