International partnerships – How INESC TEC has made its way in UT Austin Portugal

International partnerships – How INESC TEC has made its way in UT Austin Portugal

By Andreia Passos, Head of the International Relations Service (SRI) and Executive Director of the UT Austin Portugal Program

INESC TEC has developed and successfully deployed a one-of-a-kind science management model that has borne fruit over the years. This capability has been recognised in numerous ways by several actors in and outside of Portugal. A good example of this public recognition comes from FCT, the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology.

More than a decade ago, the main public S&T funding agency in Portugal signed long-term partnerships with a group of top-American universities to support transatlantic collaborative opportunities at many levels, from research exchanges to degree-granting programs or even joint research projects. Upon request of FCT, INESC TEC was at the helm of one of those partnerships from 2013 to 2017 – CMU Portugal. With INESC TEC rising to the occasion, FCT challenged it to take the lead of another international partnership – that with The University of Texas at Austin, the?flagship institution?of the?University of Texas System, one of the largest public research universities in the USA and home to some of the nation’s best ranked graduate programs.

In 2018, the joint venture UT Austin Portugal moved into INESC TEC’s headquarters, inaugurating a new phase (the third now) for the Program. In this new funding cycle that should last until 2023, INESC TEC has been assigned the task of coordinating and managing, on behalf of FCT, the implementation of the joint venture’s work program, now structured around five knowledge areas and relying on three main instruments which ensure an integrated and consistent approach to the?knowledge-to-value?chain.

Whereas 2018 was a year to broadly define the main instruments and bring key stakeholders on board, 2019 was a year of get things started and gather pace.?And what a great year this was! The Program’s core instruments came into action and its community grew significantly in both sides of the Atlantic, with the Program and Portugal deserving a special 2-page?article?in the Texas Engineer Magazine. Taking advantage of FCT’s instrument “mobility fellowships”, the Program gave 13 researchers from Portuguese organizations the opportunity to benefit from a unique advanced training scheme at The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). It was a champion and enabler of high-impact initiatives, such as the Minho Advanced Computing Center, home to Portugal’s first supercomputer brought all the way from TACC under the joint-venture.

For the first time ever, the Program supported the engagement of researchers from both Portugal and UT Austin with Portuguese companies,?through a dedicated call for three-year industry-driven R&D projects and launched a call to fund high-risk and high-impact collaborative one-year research projects. Participation in both calls was massive and exceeded our best expectations. Several scientific events, including two major Conferences, were organized with the seal of the Program, mobilizing more than 500 participants and high-profile speakers and fostering discussion and knowledge sharing. The Program was able to connect with relevant actors, both at national and international levels, acting in scientific or application domains related to the Program’s core areas of knowledge. This gave us the opportunity to take the Program’s brand far beyond the geographic boundaries of the partnership and widen the scope of cooperation.

Expectations are now higher, but INESC TEC remains committed to delivering on the Program’s mission and vision, drawing on its international experience and standards of excellence.?2020 looks challenging and exciting for the joint venture and INESC TEC will definitely not miss the chance to leave its footprint in this great international partnership!

The UT Austin Portugal’s team at INESC TEC includes: in the Leadership, José Manuel Mendon?a (National Director) and Rui Oliveira (National Co-Director); in the Execution: Andreia Passos (Executive Director), Sandra Pinto – Head of Communications & Outreach, Ana Lopes – Communications & Outreach, Bárbara Veloso – Analytics for Monitoring and Evaluation, Daniel Dantas – Communications & Outreach; Vera Pinto – Mobility and Administrative and Finance; Rita Costa – Communication and Outreach (Design). Jo?o Claro serves as Area Director for Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.



