International Men's Day - CFO and Male Mental Wellbeing
Creating Future Opportunities
Projects aimed at reducing reoffending for the hardest-to-help, through tailored support packages across England.
November 19th represented International Men’s Day, celebrating the positive value men bring to the world, their families and communities. The theme for 2023 was Zero Male Suicide – addressing the issue of male mental health and looking to reduce the alarming number of male suicides per annum.
A majority of CFO participants are male, and as such, many CFO Activity Hubs provide mental health support, activities and groups which aim to reduce stigma and open participants up about their struggles.
These interventions can help not only to boost mental wellbeing, but they can in turn reduce re-offence as poor mental health represents a huge barrier in the path of rehabilitation.
Men’s Matters
Men's Matters is a highly important activity that has been taking place throughout 2023 at Manchester CFO Activity Hub. This is a programme designed and ran by Support Workers and encourages a sense of community and chatter within the Hub, helping to reduce isolation and encourage positive wellbeing.
The group has been a huge hit amongst male participants.
Support Workers started with simple topics, but the success of the project allowed it to evolve into something more applicable to everyday life, with important mental health discussions taking place and being a key focus. It is an ever-growing activity, which is often dictated by the needs of those in attendance.
It can seem cliché – but Men’s Matters has truly created a ‘safe space’ for participants to talk about their emotional wellbeing, which some the participants have never done in their adult life.
This has also helped to encourage participants into other social activities they otherwise may not usually engage with as they feel a strong sense of community from their fellow attendees. These group sessions have real impact on those most isolated within their local communities, as Alan* stated: “I like the social parts of the Hub, all of the group activities, it’s just nice to get here and talk because most when I’m at home it’s just me.”
Andy’s Man Club
The Yorkshire and Humber CFO Activity Hubs regularly host ‘Andy’s Man Club’ sessions, a dedicated sub-provider group who aim to end the stigma surrounding men’s mental health and help men through the power of conversation.
George* is a participant who benefited from this intervention at the Scarborough CFO Activity Hub. Having been encouraged to engage with the Hub during an Open Day, he would disclose that he struggled with mental health, and was needing some additional support.
He attended Andy’s Man Club and found a lot of different coping mechanisms and benefits for himself. Having been part of the group he felt comfortable talking to other participants about mental health challenges and has been offering help and guidance to his peers at the CFO Activity Hub, helping them to get involved with vital mental health services and activities.
Speaking on the impact the Hub has had on his life, George* said: “I like the fact I do not have to stay in my flat all the time by myself and that I can come around the corner have a coffee and see the staff. You make me feel welcome and safe.” This shows the value of activities such as these in reducing social isolation, promoting positive mental health and reduce re-offence as a result.
Andy’s Man Club sessions have also been ran in the Peterborough CFO Activity Hub in line with International Men’s Day and Movember.
CFO Activity Hubs offer a variety of mental health support to male (and female) participants, allowing people to feel a more valued sense of self and explore their future more positively.
Take Tyrick* as another example – he attended the Lewisham CFO Activity Hub in need of help with his confidence, decision making and emotional management. Through 1-2-1 sessions and the Hub’s ‘Resonate’ course he became more positive about his future prospects and believed he had a fresh future to look forward to.
Thanks to his newfound mental wellbeing Tyrick* was finally able to explore employability options and address his debt issues, both of which were previously huge barriers to preventing reoffence. He has also been able to reconnect with his family thanks to his improved emotional wellbeing.
For more information about how CFO Activity Hubs can help support participants’ mental health, and even wraparound mainstream mental health provisions, please visit our website and get in touch with your local CFO Activity Hub: CFO Activity Hubs – HMPPS Creating Future Opportunities
*Names changed throughout to protect identity