International Literacy Day is celebrated on September 8th each year to raise awareness about the importance of literacy and to promote literacy as a fundamental human right. This observance was established by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1966, and it has been celebrated annually since 1967.

Literacy is a driver of sustainable development. It empowers individuals and improves their living standards. Sustainable Development Goal 4 defines literacy as an integral part of education and lifelong learning premised on humanism.

On 26 October 1966, UNESCO proclaimed 8 September as International Literacy Day to combat worldwide issues of illiteracy. The purpose was not only to combat illiteracy but also to promote literacy as a tool that could empower individuals as well as whole communities. Due to this many people around the globe will get employment opportunities and will improve their lives.

The goal of International Literacy Day is to highlight the significance of literacy in individual and societal development, as well as to emphasize the need for increased efforts to eradicate illiteracy worldwide. Literacy is not just about reading and writing; it also encompasses digital literacy, numeracy, and other essential skills that empower individuals to participate fully in their communities and the global society.

Each year, UNESCO selects a specific theme for International Literacy Day to focus on particular aspects of literacy and education. These themes often align with broader global goals and challenges related to education and literacy. The theme for 2023 is ‘Promoting literacy for a world in transition: Building the foundation for sustainable and peaceful societies’.

ILD2023 will be an opportunity to join efforts to accelerate progress towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4) on education and lifelong learning and to reflect on the role of literacy in building more inclusive, peaceful, just, and sustainable societies. In doing so, it will embrace the reciprocal relations between literacy and other areas of development. Literacy is central to the creation of such societies, while progress in other areas of development contributes to generating interest and motivation of people to acquire, use, and further development of their literacy and numeracy skills.

It has been more than 4 decades that Vidya Prakashan Mandir has been contributing to removing illiteracy for unprivileged children by providing them the resources to study like providing books, notebooks, drawing books and much more to improve the literacy rate.


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