International Forgiveness Day
Khurram Shahzad
Country Manager @ RKB | Engineer - MBA, MLA II, IRT, ARP, BRCDA, Laser Alignment, BSHM
To create goodwill among people, Global Forgiveness Day is celebrated every year on July 07. The main objective to celebrate this day is to help people get rid of the guilt, and pain in their lives because of not being able to forgive other people or ask for forgiveness.
The most important act to start healing in our lives is the act of unconditional forgiveness. Unconditional forgiveness means forgiving other people unconditionally.
First, I believe that we must forgive ourselves for all of our past mistakes so that we can correct the ones which can be corrected and make sure that nothing is repeated again.
I mean if I do not forgive myself for all the past mistakes then how can I dare to forgive other people for the hurt they caused to me. Obviously, I have to get rid of all the guilt and burden of not forgiving my own mistakes and carrying all the baggage for a lifetime. This will never be helpful to do better in my life and to fix mistakes in the future.
Secondly, we as a human-being many times hurt other people by our intentional or unintentional acts. If we collect the courage to go to the person and ask that "please forgive me for my mistake", this gesture will surely start a healing process to make you feel better inside about yourself and the world. You will feel, healed and at peace. Therefore, it is very important to learn the importance of forgiveness in our lives.
So start forgiving yourself first so that you can get a fresh start in your life and make sure that you are not going to repeat the same mistakes. Once you forgive yourself the healing process starts and it will not only make you feel better but also will enhance your forgiveness muscle. So once you start healing you will see other people differently. You never know what other person is going through when he or she is committing some kind of mistake that is causing pain to you.?You will be able to allow yourself to forgive other people for their small petty mistakes. You become less judgemental, and you forgive unconditionally.?Unconditional forgiveness is what makes you stand out as a person of higher character and grace.?
First, you forgive yourself, and then you forgive others, and then you allow yourself to be open enough to ask for forgiveness from others when you have caused pain to them. This is how you play your part in building a sustainable civilized society.
On this day, and every day we should make this resolution to follow the principle of unconditional forgiveness to make our lives better.