International Education Day: Inclusivity and innovation gateway to the 21st century
Teacher conducts STEM lessons with students in Mexico I ? Siemens Stiftung

International Education Day: Inclusivity and innovation gateway to the 21st century

The recently concluded World Economic Forum ’s annual meeting in #Davos2023 returned to its former scale after a three-year hiatus following the pandemic. Predictably digital economy and inclusion in critical sectors of the economy: health, education, and finance were high on the agenda in the context of #IndustrialRevolution 4.0. Many miles away in Monterrey, Mexico, I joined another international conference on similar lines with a focus on the future of education. Established in 2006, CIIE - Congreso Internacional de Innovación Educativa del Tecnológico de Monterrey supports innovation and improvement of education impacting over?2 million people from nearly 40 countries and has emerged as the most prominent conference in the Latin American region. On the inaugural day, I delivered a keynote on #STEMeducation?and citizenship, showcasing the relentless works done by our Red STEM Latinoamérica, a purpose-driven ecosystem, bringing together 180 public and private institutions from 14 countries, fostering quality STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education. ?

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Dr. Smidt delivering the keynote at the international conference on education in Mexico

Addressing more than 4,000 on-site and 6,000 virtual attendees from 36 countries, it was a privilege to touch upon topics that are very close to my heart: nurturing our next generation to be informed and?responsible citizens by boosting cutting-edge?innovations for free exchanges of relevant and quality educational materials with the support of global collaborative?networks. ?

Like the spirit at #WEF, calling for a stronger cross-border collaboration to address economic and climate challenges in a “fragmented world”, our commitment to fostering STEM education with our international partners is akin. Together, we cultivate the development of a global systematic STEM education network by connecting societies and promoting global exchanges of knowledge on various aspects. In this way, we bring together STEM pioneers with high-quality learning experiences who can open up further opportunities for STEM careers.?The STEM learning approach addresses global issues directly related to the 2030 United Nations ' Sustainable Development Goals.

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Students learn about the effects of climate change in their natural environment ? Ecology Project International

We are living in VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) times, where a new way of teaching STEM is the need of the hour! This concept is called “STEMplus, an approach that opens-up creative ways to solve problems that do not necessarily have disciplinary limits and that focuses on common initiative and benefits for the entire society.?It helps young people to shape a creative and critical thinking mindset, and to intrinsic problem-solving abilities - qualities relevant to face today’s challenges. The best response mechanism is to focus on people’s capacity, their resilience and their potential of acting together - something we achieved during the conference at the 2nd meeting of the #RedSTEMLatinoamérica.

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Members of the Red STEM Latinoamérica at the 2nd meeting

63 Institutions from 12 Latam countries showcased their innovative projects that are strengthening communities by creating skilled and responsible citizens. We have witnessed people’s power not only in Latin America but also in Germany and Africa. ?

UNESCO has very aptly themed the fifth International #DayofEducation on January 24th “to invest in people, prioritize education” and has dedicated this year's international day to girls in Afghanistan who have been deprived of their right to education. I truly believe that education is a human right, it is at the core of other developmental challenges. Without inclusive, equitable, quality education and lifelong opportunities for all, we will not succeed in achieving other goals like #gender equality or breaking the cycle of poverty. Gender and inclusivity are fundamental to our programs.

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Young girls partcipate at the IT training workshop BeMINT_Nigeria

Last year, we launched BeMINT_Nigeria with support from the German Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) , Lagos State Universal Basic Education Board (Lagos SUBEB) ?and local NGO Empowering Africans through Education Initiative to provide IT training to youngsters and teachers from underserved areas in Lagos. The program enrolled an equal number of girls and boys, training them in IT and soft skills, and ultimately supporting them with internships in local companies. Education in STEM subjects has gone a long way in reducing the skills gap by increasing the employment and productivity of women and lowering occupational exclusion. ?

Another crucial aspect of inclusion is innovation in education. While on the one hand the pandemic exacerbated the learning divide, hitting historically disadvantaged students hardest, it also led to a nimble and dramatic shift in learning formats and traditional classroom structures. ?

In Latin America, we developed 14 innovative projects with the support of our regional partners and 西门子 Caring Hands by generating educational resources, and tools for teacher training. It brings together a dynamic set of free Open Educational Resources(#OERs) like CREA , tailored for the specific needs of the region, those can be used in remote areas with low internet connectivity.

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Siemens Stiftung's media portal is available in English, German and Spanish

Additionally, on our media portal, there are around 3,200 OERs for teachers to provide a diverse, real-world-oriented classroom experience: with a wide selection of free digital?teaching materials?– from worksheets to content packages for interactive whiteboards to exciting educational games. These materials can be easily adapted and used across different parts of the world.?

In Germany, we are working towards promoting a "culture of digitality" in schools. We co-founded the Forum Bildung Digitalisierung with Deutsche Telekom Stiftung , Bertelsmann Stiftung , Robert Bosch Stiftung , Vodafone Stiftung , Joachim Herz Stiftung , Dieter Schwarz Stiftung , Dieter von Holtzbrinck Foundation, and Wübben Stiftung Bildung . It strives to increase participation and equal opportunity by advocating for a sustainable digital transformation in education. Its work centers around the potential of digital media for school and teaching development.

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Students use digital media in their classrooms I ? Siemens Stiftung

Technological innovation is fundamental to transforming education by making it more accessible. Therefore, to address global challenges such as digitalization, climate change and the pandemic, we need to combine our efforts towards education systems where "STEMplus" is a reality. An evidence-based and vocationally-oriented educational approach that involves lifelong learning – transitioning from pure book knowledge to more experiential learning that lets curious and critical minds engage and find solutions for the 21st century.?

Rebecca Ottmann

Senior 'Project Manager - Education bei Siemens Stiftung

2 年

#vocationalorientation is all about empowering teachers to use the curriculum to provide students with #careerorientation in science and technical professions. #STEM


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