International Drug Addict Day

International Drug Addict Day

As the worst of June heat strikes all of North India, out of the many people who went down with it Bonani, sadly, was one of them. Hence, yours truly, Harshvardhan?is here again to talk, this time about something serious. June reminds me of the time when I had gone internship hunting in the hellish heat of Delhi. One psychiatric department to the next only to find no result. However, I did find that many psychiatric wards of government-run hospitals were frequented by people suffering from addiction.

Remember kamles? Who came bhagg ke (dun dun dun dun)?to Delhi? I recently rewatched that video on an Instagram reel, and it struck me: drugs are a serious problem in India. According to a report by NDTV in 2022, approximately 1.6 crore children between the ages of 10 and 17 are addicted to drugs.

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(source- future hope)

Often, drug addiction is seen as more of a lifestyle choice rather than what it truly is—a cry for help. Many psychologists believe that at the core of substance abuse lies a faulty coping mechanism. But where does that mechanism start to get faulty? According to a report by the National institute of social defence, kids who are 12-14 years old are at a critical risk period for initiation of substance abuse. But why tweens and teens? In a report by it was found that, biologically, the adolescent brain experienced an excitatory reaction to rewards as compared to the reaction to consequences, indicating a lack of impulse control. Additionally, peer pressure is cited as a reason. The report further states that about 35% of substance users become addicted after trying the substance out of curiosity and for fun.

To understand it better, a child is exposed to substances in their environment, which they see as a choice for coping. Due to various factors such as peer pressure and the glorification of substances etc., a child tries drugs. Without the ability to control impulses and underdeveloped risk analysis, these factors further fuel addiction. The substances provide temporary relief, leaving the child wanting more, ultimately trapping them in a vicious cycle with no escape.

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source- destination for teens

*An alternate persona of phupha ji steps in*?“Arey toh galti toh inhi ki hui na! Maa baap isme kya kya kar sakte hain ?” (translated as 'See it’s their fault eventually, what can parents even do?)

You know this reminds me of a sitcom I've watched, “One day at a time.” One of the characters, Schneider, was 8 years sober when he had a relapse while his invalidating, dismissive and authoritarian father visited him and was disappointed. Hitting home phupha ji? Evidently, parents and the kind of care they provide play an important role in serious mental health concerns.?

I remember having a friend whose house was our usual hangout spot back in the summer of 2016. His father was very cool about things. Although they had alcohol kept at home (which was a major red flag for some of us),?his father always said, “If Daksh needs to ever try out alcohol he knows I will be sitting with him and making him try it. It's the role of a parent to be guiding their kids through everything while fostering autonomy simultaneously. Just because we aren't responsibly exposing and having conversations about serious stuff like alcohol and abuse of drugs doesn’t mean they will cease to exist”

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The last time I hung out at his house, I reminisced about this and ended up asking for tips or conversation starters for parents. Here are a few he advised:

●????"In our culture, specific social events or festivals may involve alcohol. Let's talk about responsible drinking, knowing your limits, and understanding the potential dangers associated with excessive alcohol consumption."

●????"I recently read a news article about the increasing drug abuse among young people in our city. It worried me, and I think it's crucial for us to talk about it. Have you come across such incidents or discussions among your friends?"

●????"I know it's natural to be curious about new experiences, but there are certain things we need to be cautious about. Drugs and alcohol can have serious consequences, and I want us to discuss the potential risks involved."

●????"As you grow older, you might face situations where your friends or peers might offer you drugs or alcohol. Let's talk about how to handle those situations, the importance of saying 'no' when something doesn't feel right, and seeking help if needed."


Kids always find a way, he said. And he was right.


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