International Day of Women in Maritime: Story of Nazrin

International Day of Women in Maritime: Story of Nazrin

I was intimidated by the thought of getting back into the workforce after a gap of 4 years. I knew it would be difficult to readjust to the work-life routine, being accountable to someone, delivering, and anticipating what the new environment would be like.

After almost a decade of working, I went on a break to take care of my grandmother who was diagnosed with an illness that required our attention and support. For many reasons thereafter I was unable to get back to working full-time such as delays in finding an appropriate helper to take care of my grandmother, supporting my in-laws with their new food business, and the pandemic. We suffered some financial losses during this time and I wanted to resume work to support my family.

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I was pleasantly surprised with my colleagues at DM Group Services who have made my journey a positive and smooth one.

I am new to both maritime and accounts. I had never imagined working in this sector or this role as tackling numbers is not my forte. Although I hold a degree in Business Administration, I have only worked in administrative roles in several industries: F&B, medical, and travel. So, the confidence that the management invested in me to take on a challenging and crucial role like this was empowering. Not only did it allow me to support my family financially, it gave me an opportunity to expand my knowledge and skillset and push myself out of my comfort zone.

For me, dealing with numbers is challenging. However, my supervisor and colleagues have patiently and diligently supported my training and made this transition easy. They entertain me even when I repeatedly ask the same questions over and over again. This has encouraged me to improve and do better.

One of my other worries getting back into the workforce was not having enough personal time for my family and friends. But I am appreciative that work-life balance is prioritized here and rest days are respected unless there is an emergency.

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It is impossible to dislike something, even the challenging times, when your working environment is pleasant, empowering and supportive. My advice to women entering the maritime industry is to believe in yourself and accept a new challenge. You will amaze yourself once you push boundaries.

Happy International Day of Women in Maritime!


