International Day of Women & Girls in Science: Celebrating Fei Tian, Automotive Division
Wenham Carter Group
Atypical recruiters, populating the leading edge of technology and science
What’s your area of expertise? I’m a native Mandarin speaker and Chinese national specialising in AI and Robotics in the Automotive industry. I’d describe my work as being a bridge between China and the global market. I support Chinese companies to expand and set up teams overseas as well as recruit global talent to work in China.
There are many barriers to movement in either direction – from administrative requirements to language and culture, but the industry gains so much from increased collaboration, partnerships and exchange. I’m in a privileged position to have the knowledge and networks to help overcome these barriers.
What excites and motivates you most about the area you work in?
For me, it’s about what I’m helping clients to achieve and being a partner in their progress. Whether I’ve enabled a critical strategic hire or helped build a whole team, it’s really rewarding to see what those people and companies go on to do together. That might be seeing a successful global product launch, a big technology sale, or increased size and scale in a new market. It makes me proud to know that I was involved in that process.
Tell us about a highlight placement you’ve made recently.
I recently placed a Head of Product in Germany for a major Chinese manufacturer. She’s an incredibly talented woman who I’ve loved working with. She holds a PhD in psychology and has an impressive international career. It was a difficult decision as the role required her to relocate from China to Germany, with implications for her family. But the role has allowed her to take a step in line with her career ambitions, and she will be instrumental in helping our Chinese client expand into the European market. I can’t wait to see what she achieves in her new role.
What are the challenges for women in the industry you serve? What makes you hopeful?
While change is happening, the Automotive industry in general and AI and Robotics in particular are still male-dominated, and perhaps because of this there is sometimes an assumption that women have less technical expertise. I’m aware of this, and make sure I build my knowledge all the time. I always ensure I’m the most prepared person in every call and meeting! Fewer women work in this space for sure, but those that do…they know their stuff! My female candidates are a testament to this and it’s a pleasure to help them advance and make significant contributions to this industry.
What did you do before Wenham Carter and how does that experience inform your work?
I started my career in Marketing. Ironically, one of my first jobs was at a PR agency where I worked on a new car launch for Changan Automobile! I worked first in the culture and entertainment industries, moving from Marketing Manager to General Manager of one cinema then a whole chain of 5 cinemas across China. I oversaw hiring, marketing, branding, sales and customer relationships and turned around sales and profitability, so I understand first-hand the challenges and opportunities for hiring managers. My ambition and desire to study brought me to England, and having completed my master’s, I was introduced to Wenham Carter. The opportunity to use my position as a Chinese woman and ex-GM living in the UK to support commercial exchange and expansion between China and the rest of the world feels like the perfect next step in my own international career.
在这过程中,不可避免的遇到了很多的挑战,从招聘需求, 语言障碍,到公司文化等各方面。但是通过和客户不断的沟通,最终都取得了满意的进展。我非常荣幸能帮助客户去克服这些阻碍。
请谈谈近期您最重要的一个招聘项目 ?
在加入Wenham Carter之前,您是做什么工作的?
我的职业生涯始于市场营销。非常巧合的是,我的第一份工作是在一家公关公司,负责长安汽车的新车发布会工作!我先是在文化娱乐行业工作,从市场部经理升任一家影院的总经理,后来又升任区域总经理管理 5 家连锁影院。我负责招聘、市场营销、品牌推广、销售和客户关系,并扭转了亏损影院的销售和盈利状况,因此我对招聘经理所面临的挑战和机遇有切身体会。不断学习和自我提升的想法让我离开了自己的舒适区,在英国完成硕士学业后,我被介绍到了Wenham Carter。作为一名生活在英国的中国女性和前总经理,我有机会利用自己的资源和知识积累支持中国与世界其他国家之间的商业交流和扩展,这是我国际化职业生涯的完美下一步。