International day of peace ??

International day of peace ??

Peace comes in pieces.

How do you wake up in the morning?

What are your first thoughts?

He says, I am better than him, she says I am more beautiful. They say they deserve better, do they forget that they didn't make themselves to be, do they forget that circumstances makes one look the way they look, or do they forget that the ones left behind starved from the horrors you faced.

One thing we are all given is the auto privilege to choose what our inner peace should be. The anger in your eyes are to put the fire in his eyes off by choosing what you can make of the future with your calm. The battle that the land suffers for are because of our ego not for humanity but for ideation that your words must be the last and leave bruises on them.

But there is always a law that we can't ever change no matter how powerful, *life is more than just 4 letter words but fragments of files ?? that will always be referenced.

Today is international day of peace, but I only won't preach that but to remind you that peace can't be international if you as an individual don't see it as nature that must be respected and cherished. 

For all Yue actions, before you decide if it's peaceful, it starts with how you ask yourself these questions I learnt from one best thing that happened to me (Rotary) and how you reply to them:

*Is it the truth?*

*Is it fair to all concerned? *

*Will it be beneficial to all concerned?*

*Will it build good will and better friendship? *

Peace doesn't come with wanting to accept that race, wealth, tribe benefits should be spoken against , but it comes by not seeing that this doesn't exist at all.

*pledge to yourself to always find peace and must keep it close to your heart*

?Rasheed Oluwadamilare YUSUF


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