International Day of Kindness
Veronika ?uffová-Kun?ová
Content, sense, law and sensibility with a zest of creativity.
The snake was kind.
It offered a kind of benefit: wisdom.
A subtle, through a targeted infusion muscling up of senses & voilà, the capacity to distinguish refines into an ability to form a judgement, to evaluate, to sense out the meaning.
Maybe not precisely to filter the good out of the bad, but to differentiate in multiple layers.
Many show disdain for the word 'evaluate' or hate that action.
Above all when it should apply to them.
Many positivists would straight refuse that concept and my outcome as erroneous.
Traditionalists would straight condemn it.
On the other hand, we experience many overindulging in the evaluations, even if no one welcomes them. They overuse disparaging views about others based on their once mysteriously added capacity to single out.
But, wait a minute.
That story of a sly reptile using the curious woman to induce the fall of mankind & expelling the couple from the primaeval garden of Eden is internationally the most shared tale.
With sinister implications, for the women are to blame.
However, who can see & tell the true meaning?
The Message of the Grail underpinned the logics of a metaphor: expelling out of the garden responds not to a contingency but to our natural compulsion to go and seek, to leave our unconscious mind and awake in the land of a crude matter, through efforts and sweat.
The functioning of a true, spiritual woman enables us to form a bridge to higher realms, not an impediment of enlightenment, not an obstacle of growth or whatsoever dug out of the bottom of the phantasmagorical mind.
A true, spiritual woman thus cannot hand out a poisonous snack.
She is a helping hand for reaching the purpose-driven, divine consciousness, "a true image of God".
Don't get jealous; it is bitter-sweet to do.
Beyond that, the research of the Sumerian texts reveals that the half-reptile-half-human could be more real than one has ever thought; more wise than impish; his tempting more handy than prankish; moreover, he could be our alien ancestor, a strange being from farthest far with whom we share our genetic code.
The one who, having equipped humanity with new gene strains, decided to break the taboo and elevate our first in sequel ancestor to the own level.
The one who dared.
Had he have not taken the courage to defy rules, we would not become like we are nowadays, human beings with enormous potential, but would have stayed reduced to poorly judging beast-like humans.
Hadn't he been kind?
How do we use our infinite potential to spread kindness among us and to the planet?
Picture source: Literárny ty?denník 13 -14 2020
International Day of Kindness by Veronika Zuffova-Kuncova is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.