SOUTH AFRICA : Your honor we as South AFRICA have presented a case that Israel is commiting acts of Genocide, Israel is indiscriminately bombing Innocent civilians and we feel they should halt their military offensive In Rafah Gaza and allow humanitarian aid to enter the Strip.
ISRAEL: Your Honor South Africa's Case is baseless and distorted from reality, The ISRAELI DEFENCE FORCE is the most morale army In the world, Prior to an offensive In Gaza civilians are sent text messages, leaflets and roof tappings to warn the civilians of upcoming military offensive. The South African Government is morally and Financially bankrupt , they are using the War In Gaza to leverage financing from the Islamic Republic of IRAN. The South African Government is commiting International Crimes in their own country. The South African government has violated multiple human rights such as the right to access quality water, the right to education and the basic right to life.
SOUTH AFRICA : Your honor, we as South Africans have lived under Apartheid for over a 100+ years we have seen the worst of human kind and we feel ISRAEL is doing the same to the Palestinian "civillians".
ISRAEL : According to South African highschool textbooks Apartheid is defined as " Separation of people based on Race from all spheres of life Including Economic, Social and Political Participation ".In ISRAEL we have 2 million Arab Israelis who serve in Courts and The Knesset , most of them live in freedom and harmony with Israeli citizens.
SOUTH AFRICA: Your Honor we do not have enough evidence to continue this case against Israel, we never had any evidence to begin with. Our country does not support our case, we have failed as a governing party our people don't have water, we lack enough electricity to keep the lights on , we have the highest unemployment rate in the world and our quality education is the lowest in the world. We casually support terrorism and we hosted HAMAS leaders in our country on the 10th October 2023. We don't talk about Israeli hostages because we forgot about them, we have a lot of peaceful Jewish communities and schools In South Africa but we hate those people like we hate our own black South African citizens.