International Association of Research Scholars & Administrators (IARSA)
IARSA - the research body of international scholars ...creating new knowledge
Technology and business innovation drive the economy towards achieving the sustainable development goals set. The technology we use in performing business operations impacts the environment, society and economy, and, consequently, technology and business enterprises are perpetrators of potential damage and cause unwanted effects on economy, society and the environment.
?Technological innovation and sustainability are becoming more and more intertwined. Indeed, new, innovative technologies can provide a relevant contribution to the reduction of environmental burden and/or the improvement of social conditions, while fostering economic growth.
?With the world uniting to achieve Sustainable Development Goals, change lies ahead for businesses. These organizations must rethink strategies and business behaviour and assess their impact to align with sustainability goals that promote industrial innovation, maintain wellbeing, protect the planet, and ensure business value is created. To achieve this ambitious agenda, a strong commitment and the means to implement it are required.
?The principle objective of the conference is to bring together researchers, scholars and industry participants from around the world to share their experiences and latest research results in all aspects of Business Management, Technology and Business Innovation, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Sustainability in Technology Management, and Sustainable Converging Technology.
?Technological Innovations for Sustainability and Business Growth is a crucial reference source delivering dynamic research on accelerating growth in business through knowledge creation and technological innovations. While highlighting topics such as consumer analytics, international business, and risk assessment, this conference explores a wide range of techniques adopting and achieving a sustainable competitive advantage in business. This conference is ideally organized for multinational investors, marketing researchers, managers, executives, board members, IT consultants, economists, stakeholders, policymakers, financial analysts, professionals, academicians, researchers, and students, and many areas of panels given by world-class speakers and workshops.
?The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to:
·????????Artificial Intelligence
·????????Cloud Computing
·????????Consumer Analytics
·????????Corporate Governance
·????????Digital Communication
·????????Generational Business
·????????Intelligent Systems
·????????International Business
·????????Risk Assessment
·????????Women leadership in global supply chains,
·????????Venture capital and private equity,
·????????Demand Driven
·????????Supply Chains,
·????????Investment policy,
·????????Microeconomics Campaign
Who should attend SBTIRM 2022?
?1. Scholars:?
Present your research and share knowledge with others; Connect with colleagues and professionals working in the fields of innovative research and sustainable development, environmental sustainability, social welfare and economic growth. Find ideas and potential collaborators for future research.
?Share your experience, meet colleagues and network with international community of professionals in the realms of innovative research and sustainable development.
?Policy makers:?
Learn from leading experts on issues related to environmental risk management, soil pollution and treatment, elections and politics, economic impact on social development and democracy and prosperous society; Network with colleagues from across the world and exchange ideas and experience.?
?Raise awareness of?your work, learn, share and?network with other international NGOs, possible donors and colleagues from around the world.
Meet your colleagues, make new friends?and improve your communication skills and knowledge on the subject at hand; Get valuable feedback on your research or research proposal from international audience of leading scholars, professionals and colleagues.
Individuals who want to?contribute by making a positive change, gaining new knowledge, skills and friends and become?more useful to their own communities.?
?SBTIRM 2022 Call for Papers
?This conference is a prestigious event that provides an international platform for academicians, researchers, administrators, policy makers, professionals, and students to share their research findings with global experts. All full paper submissions will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research depth, accuracy, and relevance to conference themes and topics.
?Submissions and they will be evaluated as follows:
1. Academic submissions:
Currency, importance, and relevance to the conference themes, clearly states purpose and outcome, clearly states design methodology and findings, originality and innovation and clarity of abstract as indicator of presentation quality
2. Professional and personal development submission:
?Relevance to conference themes, clearly states purpose and outcome, idea flow as an?indicator of presentation quality, creative and inspirational, and contains applicable and beneficial items
3. NGO, Government, Non-Profit submission:
?Relevance to conference themes, clearly states purpose and outcome, idea flow as an indicator of presentation quality, clearly stated implementation and societal impact
SBTIRM 2022 Call for Papers
?This conference is a prestigious event that provides an international platform for academicians, researchers, administrators, policy makers, professionals, and students to share their research findings with global experts. All full paper submissions will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research depth, accuracy, and relevance to conference themes and topics.
?Submissions and they will be evaluated as follows:
1. Academic submissions:
?Currency, importance, and relevance to the conference themes, clearly states purpose and outcome, clearly states design methodology and findings, originality and innovation and clarity of abstract as indicator of presentation quality
2. Professional and personal development submission:
Relevance to conference themes, clearly states purpose and outcome, idea flow as an?indicator of presentation quality, creative and inspirational, and contains applicable and beneficial items
3. NGO, Government, Non-Profit submission:
Relevance to conference themes, clearly states purpose and outcome, idea flow as an indicator of presentation quality, clearly stated implementation and societal impact
Rules for Submission of Abstracts
Abstracts must be submitted via our email at: [email protected]
Please read the submission rules before submitting an abstract.
·????????The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
·????????The presenting author must be listed as the first author.
·????????Submitted abstracts should include non-published data.
·????????Abstracts previously presented will not be accepted.
·????????All abstracts should be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication. If you need help, please arrange for the review of your abstract by a colleague who is a native English speaker, by a university specific publications office (or other similar facility) or by a copy editor, prior to submission.
·????????Please submit symbols as words.
·????????All abstracts accepted for presentation will be published on the Conference website prior to the Conference.
·????????You may submit more than 1 abstract. However, presenters that are accepted for oral presentation will be permitted to give only 1 oral presentation.?Additional accepted abstracts will therefore be poster only.
·????????Please note the submitting author will receive all correspondence about the abstract so we advise that the submitting author details that are entered are the same details as those of the presenting author.
·????????Abstracts may not be edited/updated after final submission. You are welcome to bring an updated abstract onsite with you.
Guidelines for Submission
Before you begin, please prepare the following information:
·????????Abstract Topic – abstracts must be allocated to a specific?Theme, Topic and Sub-Topic.
·????????Presenting author's contact details (should be the same details as the submitting author so that the presenting author receives the correspondence about the abstract)
o??Email address
o??Full postal address
o??Daytime and evening phone number
·????????Author and co-authors' details
o??Full first and family name(s)
o??Affiliation details: department, institution / hospital, city, state (if relevant), country
·????????Abstract title - limited to 20 words in UPPER CASE
·????????Abstract text –?limited to 250 words?
Abstract layout - Abstracts must be submitted with the following sections:
·????????References are not obligatory and word count is affected by inclusion of references.
·????????Tables – A maximum of 3 tables of up to 10 rows x 10 columns can be included per abstract.
·????????Graphs and images – It is important to note that each image included in the abstract is worth 30 words. A maximum of 3 images can be included per abstract.?
The maximum file size of each graph/image is 500 KB. The maximum pixel size of the graph/image is 600(w) x 800(h) pixel.
·????????Draft abstracts – The submission form allows you to store your abstract as a draft in order to make changes. Please note that abstracts must be SUBMITTED before the deadline in order to be sent to review for inclusion in the Scientific Program.
Guidelines for Submission of Full Papers
?One hard copy and one soft copy each in Microsoft Word of the paper selected for presentation will have to be submitted to the Secretariat. The electronic version of the paper should be sent to?[email protected]. Papers must include a clear indication of the purpose, major results, implications, and key references. They should adhere to the following:
·????????One hard copy at the Association address and an electronic version of the manuscript in MS Word format should be submitted via E-mail to the Secretariat at [email protected]
·????????Manuscript should be of?4000-5000?words approximately, excluding tables, graphs & charts.
·????????All text should be in double space with 1-inch margins on all the sides on A4 size paper using Font Times New Roman of size 10.
·????????The first page of the manuscript should have the title of the paper, name of the author(s), organisational affiliation, complete mailing address, phone number, fax number and email address. Please do not indicate author name, affiliation, or any other such information in the manuscript elsewhere.
·????????Second page of manuscript should have the abstract of 300 to 400 words.
·????????All tables, charts, and graphs should be prepared on separate sheets, after the references section, and numbered continuously in Arabic numerical as referred to in the text. The sources, wherever necessary, should be mentioned at the bottom.
·????????Last page of the manuscript must have a brief autobiographical sketch of all the authors, about 100 words for each author.
·????????References should be arranged in alphabetical order.
·????????Selected quality papers presented in the conference will be considered for publication in International Journal of Research Scholars & Administrators (IJRSA) subject to approval through the Double Blind Peer Review process.
·????????Abstract Submission: 25 August 2022
·????????Notification of Abstract Acceptance: 30 August 2022
·????????Full Paper Submission: 9 September 2022
·????????Notification of Full Papers Acceptance: 21 September 2022
·????????Early Bird Registration: 3 October to 14 October 2022
·????????Regular Registration: 17 October 2022
·????????Arrival/Registration: 24 October 2022
·????????Conference Day 1 & Day 2: 25-25 October 2022
Why Attend SBTIRM2022
Connecting with new or existing partners is always a high point of the SBTIRM 2022. You will find new potential partners or connect with those you already work with. See how they've adapted to help you meet current challenges, and learn about the newest cutting-edge products, programmess, and services.
The SBTIRM 2022 is more than learning and networking, but includes being energized and inspired! Every attendee will walk away at the end of the conference feeling invigorated and encouraged
Networking and Socializing:
SBTIRM 2022 is the best place to connect with new or current professional friends, contacts, peers—anyone involved in international education. Take advantage of extracurricular events, session chats, and one-on-one meetups to catch up, get inspiration and ideas, and do business.
Discover New Business:?
SBTIRM 2022 will enabling every delegate to generate a business lead from the conference, which is packed with high quality networking opportunities with researchers, educators, administrators, policy makers, etc
Meet with renowned international speakers representing the Keynote Forum and special events
1. Oral Presentation
Each oral paper presentations will be allocated in 20 minutes slots. Presenters must give 15 minutes for the presentation itself + 5 minutes for discussion with the audience. Session rooms will have a laptop with software tools (like PowerPoint), data-projector and screen. We recommend presenters to bring a USB pen drive or CD-ROM with a copy of their presentations.
2. Posters Presentations
Presenters are required to prepare the content in a full-sized poster, with the following requirements: Dimensions: Poster size should be no more than A0 portrait (approx. 84 x 115 cm). We recommend that you use heavyweight paper or thin card. As they can be viewed from a certain distance, please make sure your typeface and graphics are easy to read; we recommend you to use a font size for: Title: 20-24 mm or 100 point maximum/bold. Make sure your title, authors and affiliated institutions/contact details are clearly visible at the top of your presentation to give to interested delegates. Headings: 48 point suggested 60 point at max.
Title case headings such as Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions are useful. Results can be presented in the form of graphics, avoiding large data tables, use colours, symbols, pictures, etc. Content: 20-28 point, 32 point at max (single spaced).Please note that the official conference language is English, all posters must be displayed in English. Keep the amount of text in your posters brief, focusing on a few key points. Any description of the methods should be simple and concise.
The conference will include timetabled sessions providing an opportunity for presenters and participants to discuss work and findings. There will be a dynamic forum between presenter(s) and the audience. Presenter(s) must give 2 to 5 minutes oral presentation followed by approx. 3 minutes discussion with the public, where they can answer questions about the posters.
Presenters should deliver?the Posters duly identified at the welcome desk, when?making the check in to the conference. We will display the Posters at?the presentation room before the session starts. Please remember to take your poster materials with you after your presentation. Any posters remaining at the end of the conference will be discarded.
3. Virtual Presentations
Presenters that will not be present at the conference, but will participate with a virtual contribution, must also be registered in the conference, their papers are considered to be published as the others and are also entitled to the certificate of participation in the conference. Presenters are required to prepare the content for the presentation itself, which can be made in one of these two ways (in no particular order):
·????????Recording a video of the presentation: You can record your presentation through a camcorder, web-camera or mobile phone with at least 4 mega pixels quality. Feel free to open your video in an editing programme (Windows Movie Maker, iMovie, AVID, Final Cut Pro or other editing software), according to your expertise and convenience, to make alterations and all kind of editing (putting a title, your name, etc). Save your file either in *.AVI, *.MPG, *.WMV or *.MOV (extensions format).
·????????Creating a PowerPoint presentation with slides and a voice-over, and saved as a video:Use the PowerPoint programme or similar (available in any Operating System) to compose your presentation in slides. This software is convenient and easier for almost all people, but you’re welcome to use other tools, creating advanced presentations. We suggest you start by present a picture of yourself with email contact or affiliations, with a welcome message to the audience, feel free to use your creativity, but try to keep it easy and brief. Use an audio recording device, such as a microphone or other external voice recorder, music, etc. Once you have you PowerPoint slides, you can insert the audio files using the program itself – click Insert > Movies and Sounds > Sound from file (choosing the location of your audio files). You can also record your voice with PowerPoint in each slide, if desired – click Insert > Movies and Sounds > Record sound. One can create self-running slides, including your voice narration. After you made the synchronized PowerPoint presentation, turn it into a movie file – click File > Make Movie – the opened window will allow you to choose the location where you want to save your video from the PowerPoint presentation (save your file either in *.AVI, *.MPG, *.WMV or *.MOV (extensions format).
Important note for videos and PowerPoint videos:
·????????Spoken or written words must be in English.
·????????Try to achieve a good quality voice recording, to facilitate the hearing, by making it in a quiet setting and by speaking clearly and in a paused manner.
·????????Videos and PowerPoint videos should be kept simple, transmitting information clearly, like in a poster presentation with the respective contents. Use clear and visible characters in the writings when editing text or topics.
·????????Review and watch various times your video and its contents in your software player.
·????????You MUST NOT EXCEED a 10 minutes presentation and 64 MB of space file.
The presentation file should be sent by email to [email protected]
Proposals from those who would like to facilitate a panel discussion are welcomed. The proposals may address any of the topics falling within the scope of the conference themes.
Panel Discussions provide an opportunity for public discussion amongst a selected group of panelists. Central to the success of a panel discussion is the choice of a good topic as the focus for discussion and panelists who bring differing perspectives and are confident in making clear arguments in a live situation. Panels should comprise of three to five scholars who present their arguments; a discussant offers critical comment on the arguments made and the discussion is opened up to the participating audience.?
The proposal must include:
·????????Panel Chair(s) (if necessary)
·????????Speakers Name, Affiliations and Emails
·????????Objective and motivation
The SBTIRM 2022?will set aside space for those who wish to pursue discussion of a particular topic or issue. Interested individuals should submit a proposal not more than 400 words, on or before Friday, September 17, 2021. In addition, the proposal should indicate the duration of the panel discussion (preferred duration is 90 minutes)
All accepted Panel Discussion proposal will be published in the Conference Proceedings. If you are interested in organising Panel Discussion for the SBTIRM 2022, please email your proposal to [email protected].Submissions should be in MS Word format.
A workshop at SBTIRM 2022will provide an opportunity for a group of participants to achieve a specific goal or address a particular problem. It will be designed to train or educate participants in a particular research methodology or theoretical approach, e.g., or to address a specific problem, such as how to use particular research findings in governance and sustainable development or policy.
The workshop will also be a useful way to develop a consensus on a particular issue. For example, the goal of the workshop may be to produce a position statement or policy on a particular topic, to identify priorities in a specific area or to develop theoretical perspectives or methodologies. It will have a clear structure and require active participation by everyone involved. The Workshop convenor/facilitator should inform us in advance if there is a limit of participants expected, so we can have time to inform the conference attendees.
The workshop?session should?be dynamic and interactive. Timing for workshops should not extend 60 minutes.
Registration Fees
Conference registration fees include welcome reception, coffee breaks, conference banquet, and attendance at all sessions and a copy of the conference proceedings.
The SBTIRM 2022 Committee is pleased to announce that Early Bird registration for this year’s conference is now open. Make sure to register early!
Early Bird - Start 3 October to 14 October 2022
Deadline: October 17, 2022
Full delegate - N45, 000 (Early bird)?
?Full delegate - N50, 000 (Standard)
?Retired delegate - N25, 000 (fixed)
?Students - N15, 000 (Fixed)
?Accompanying Person - N25, 000
year’s conference is now open. Make sure to register early!
Please remember that the registration and a regular payment are required in order to:
·????????attend the Conference
·????????have your paper included in the final Conference program
·????????download the papers that will be presented at the Conference
The registration fee includes:
·????????Conference materials and proceedings
·????????Access to all the scientific sessions
·????????Teas and lunches
The registration fee excludes:
·????????All other meals
·????????Travel to and from airport
·?????????Conference registration?does not?include pre-conference workshops, which have an additional fee.?
Taxes are included. The accompanying person registration includes welcome reception and symposium banquet.
Note: 5 or more attendees from same institution or organization – enter discount code?GROUP5?to receive 10% off applicable registration fees. 10 or more enter GROUP 10 to receive 15% off applicable registration fees and 25 or more, enter?SUPERGROUP?and receive 20% off registration fees.
We believe in the power of live events to bring people together to stimulate discussion and debate, and as a forum for sharing good practice through presentations and networking.
We partner with organisations to:
·????????shape policy and practice
·????????share knowledge and debate
·????????improve health and care.
Some highlights of this year's sponsorships include the following:
·????????Dedicated Trade Show Time:
The trade show will be on the agenda with dedicated time and will feature a cocktail reception. This will help to highlight your company’s products and services to our attendees.
·????????Conference Branding:
Gold level sponsors will be shown as Presenting Sponsors of the conference, allowing your company to be shown as "IARSA's 2022 Annual, Presented by YOUR?COMPANY."
·????????Event Branding:
Sponsorship opportunities exist for your company?to brand one of the many events held at the conference. From the breakfasts to "shirtsleeve" lunch sessions, sponsorship packages are available to help align your company to specific conference audiences.?
·????????Company Banner Placement on Website:
·????????All?sponsors will have their logo displayed on IARSA's website?from June 28, 2021 through December 31, 2021.
·????????Opportunity to Address Attendees:
Gold level sponsors have the opportunity to speak in front of all conference attendees; introducing their company, as well as, speakers for General Session presentations.
·????????Opportunity to Speak?during Breakout Sessions:
Silver level sponsors have the opportunity to introduce themselves and their companies during break-out sessions and introduce break-out speakers.
By sponsoring the SBTIRM 2022, your organization will be able to:
·????????Showcase your products to the event attendees,
·????????Promote your services to potential clients,
·????????Identify prospective clients among conference attendees and organizations they represent,
·????????Establish collaborations with other companies and individuals, and
·????????Learn the current trend in the environmental sustainability, economic growth, innovative research among others
As a sponsor, you’ll benefit from:
·????????a comprehensive co-branded marketing campaign
·????????a dedicated policy expert to chair the event and to support formation of engaging content
·????????brand visibility to an audience of key stakeholders in education, research, growth, and environmental sustainability
·????????high-quality lead generation
·????????the opportunity to gather key market intelligence from your target audience
·????????a platform to host thought-leadership resources
·????????increased audience reach through the on-demand functionality, enabling delegates to watch at a time of their choosing.
For further sponsorship details, please email us at [email protected] or call us at +2348069814073
Platinum: (N 2, 000, 000)
Companies and institutions will have the opportunity to provide information about their products and services in booths that will be in the indoor exhibition area. Companies also will have their name?printed on the sponsor list as official sponsor in the Catalogue of Exhibitors and will receive four pages free of charge for presentation of their company profile.
·????????Recognition from the podium throughout the conference
·????????Recognition pre- and post-conference on IARSA’s social media channels
·????????List of attendees provided electronically before the event
·????????Prominent logo placement in all promotional materials for the event
·????????A two-minute presentation about your organization before introducing a keynote speaker (limited availability)
·????????Complimentary attendee registrations (4)
·????????One premium tradeshow exhibit booth (10 x 10) with pipe and drape
Diamond: (N1, 500,000)
Companies and institutions will have the opportunity to provide information about their?products and services in booths that will be in the indoor exhibition area Companies also will have their name printed on?the?sponsor?list as official?sponsor?in?the Catalogue of Exhibitors?and will?receive?two pages free of charge for presentation of their company profile.
·????????Tradeshow exhibit booth – 1, 10 x 10 with pipe and drape
·????????Recognition from the podium throughout the conference
·????????Recognition pre- and post-conference on IARSA’s social media channels
·????????List of attendees provided electronically after the event
·????????Logo placement in all promotional materials for the event
·????????A two-minute presentation about your organisation before introducing a breakout session speaker
·????????Complimentary attendee registrations (2)
Gold: (N 1, 200, 000)
·????????Complimentary attendee registrations (1)
·????????Recognition from the podium throughout the conference
·????????List of attendees provided electronically after the event
·????????Logo placement in all promotional materials for the event
·????????Tradeshow exhibit booth – 1, 10 x 10 with pipe and drape
·????????Opening and closing ceremony: The sponsor will be mentioned at the opening and closing ceremony.
·????????Lecture presentation: Speech of 15 minutes on each day.
Silver: (N1, 000.000)
·????????Logo placement in all promotional materials for the event
·????????Tradeshow exhibit booth – 1, 10 x 10 with pipe and drape
·????????Half page of the Book of Proceedings: The logotype of the sponsor will appear on the page and on the sponsor page of the book.
·????????Internet: The sponsor will have its logo or banner and the status of main sponsor in the first page of website with a link to its own website at the official symposium banquet.
The following events can be sponsored and branded by companies during the conference. These events vary in cost and can be mixed with a Bronze, Silver or Gold sponsorship package. Recognition for Event Sponsorships will also be provided using signage and electronic communication. Sponsors will have the opportunity to address the attendees during their sponsored event.
·????????Daily Conference Breakfast (N750,000)
·????????Board and Committee Chair Dinner & Reception (N500,000)
·????????First-Timer Reception (N350, 000)
·????????Closing Night Party (N800, 000)
·????????Awards Luncheon (N500, 000)
·????????Tradeshow and Reception (N450,000)
·????????Refreshment Breaks (N250, 000)
·????????Printing of brochure and conference proceedings (N400, 000)
·????????Advertisement (Prints or electronic) (N850, 000)
·????????Souvenirs (N150, 000)
The following opportunities are available for sponsors to create brand awareness among conference attendees. Conference attendance is not required to participate in these opportunities. Recognition will be provided via the IARSA website and in electronic communication to members.
·????????Room Drop Sponsorship (N250,000)
·????????Conference Swag Bag Sponsor (N360,000)
·????????Conference Swag Bag Contributor (N50, 000) your brochure or promo item in bag)
Interested in augmenting your sponsorship? It’s a great way to enhance the delegate experience and notch up the profile of your company.
We are pleased to suggest the following sponsorship benefit “add-ons”.
·????????Add a complimentary drink ticket for delegates to your reception sponsorship (and bump up to Gold Sponsor status) N150, 000
·????????Include a one page, 8.5x11, advertisement or a gift in the delegate bag $200 (N100, 000)
·????????Include a colour ad in the electronic Conference Programme or on the Conference website:
? page $60 (N40, 000)
? page $100 (N50, 000)
Showcase Your Products and Services
SBTIRM 2022 attendees are on a quest for knowledge, information, and technology.?This event gives you an exclusive opportunity to provide it in a category-specific pavilion that complements your services and generates traffic from prospects with a focused interest. Demonstrate your products in SBTIRM 2022’s high-visibility interactive environment and share your expertise in hands-on education sessions on the show floor. These interactive opportunities — and more — are available to exhibitors at minimal or no cost.
As an exhibitor, you will also benefit from an Online Booth Profile, which provides continuous exposure on the SBTIRM 2022 conference website and?mobile app, along with the opportunity to promote your offerings year-round to attendees and non-attendees alike. No other event has the potential to deliver a higher return on investment: you save time and money as you cultivate business and generate leads — building your brand, educating your audience, and maintaining visibility in the process. Invest?three days at SBTIRM 2022 and reap the returns all year long.
Exhibit Experience:
The Conference "Hub" will bring together visually appealing, branded 10'x10' booth spaces, contemporary and cohesive kiosks that demonstrate technology solutions, as well as an engaging environment filled with solutions and resources organized systematically across the show floor. This unique and thoughtfully constructed space will provoke attendee’s senses, as they take in the vigorous environment painted with colorful branding, sounds of engaging discussions being had, and are treated to a catered reception and various socials. Join us in the exhibit hall and be where all the action takes place! There are three options to participate:
Professional Exhibitor Display: N750, 000
Bring your professionally designed exhibit booth and branding to our exhibit hall and showcase your products and services in a design that best fits your needs. You are given 100 square feet of space in which to brand and make yours!
Display Kiosk: N950, 000
This package includes a professional and attractive kiosk structure that allows you to showcase your products or services to attendees in an open and inviting environment. This package includes a branded kiosk structure a monitor to run demonstrations on and electrical needed for your booth!
Corporate Registration Package: N300, 000
This package allows you to experience the show, network and attend all sessions and events without the costs to exhibit. This package includes a full conference registration, a digital directory listing, listing in the mobile app, and the ability to schedule appointments with attendees and the option to place collateral material in our literature rack located in the exhibit hall.
·????????Promote?your organization
·????????Raise awareness?of your brand
·????????Showcase?your products, services and innovations
·????????Engage?with key decision-makers and industry leaders
·????????Network?with delegates and fellow exhibitors
·????????Win?new business and develop lucrative sales leads
·????????Direct access to decision-makers
·????????Unique opportunity for your company or institution to be present at the largest gathering of scholars, academicians, professionals and policy makers
·????????Gain vital exposure to qualified members of international scholars
·????????Participate in workshops and education sessions along with delegates
·????????Be present while policy and procedures are developed
·????????Exclusive access to your target market of you products or service and professional advisors
·????????Our exhibit area is fully integrated in our conference floor plan and activities, maximizing interaction with delegates
·????????Connect with decision makers who are leaders in education, research, strategic development and administration.
·????????Maximize your company’s visibility and exposure during extended conference networking breaks
For further enquiries, call us today at +2348069814073, or email us at: [email protected]
Awards Presentation
?Through the years, IARSA has established a diverse set of honours to celebrate the achievements and leadership of individuals and organisations that have made outstanding contributions to international education.
?One of IARSA's priorities is to ensure that school leaders and administrators are recognised for their excellence.?Through our annual awards programme, we honour students, researchers, administrators and community organisations for their achievements and their dedication to public and private education.
?The Excellence Awards is organised with the intention of valuing one’s contribution to the field and behind the idea of encouraging for more active involvement for the betterment of the education research as a whole. The concept shall motivate you to achieve more which will in turn benefit the education research and could lead towards a policy implementation in nurturing for a fruitful tomorrow. Considering the marks given by the evaluation committee and the Conference Chair, the highest scoring presentations shall be recommended for the following awards.
?The final decisions will be taken by the chair of the sessions, evaluation panel members of the session and conference chair. Evaluation panel will be consist with personals with sound academic or/and industrial background for that particular subject area. Evaluation panel and chair will be given the marks according to criteria.
·????????Exemplary Business Research & Innovation Award;
·????????Exemplary Contributions to Education and Research Award
·????????Lifetime Distinguished Research Award
·????????Award of Excellence in Scientific Research and Administrative Creativity
·????????Educational Leadership Award
·????????Award of Excellence in Media Reporting on Education and Research
·????????Exemplary Healthcare Research and Innovation Award
·????????Innovation Research in Financal Inclusion Technology Award
·????????Corporate Social Responsibility in Education and Research Award
·????????The 2022 Women Political Leaders Trailblazer Award
·????????Network Security Award
·????????Royal Excellence Medal Award
·????????Distinguished Security Service Award
·????????Distinguished Public Service Award
·????????Outstanding Entrepreneur Award
·????????Exemplary CEO/Board Award
The International Association of Research Scholars and Administrators (IARSA) seeks nominations for the 2022 IARSA Awards. The submission deadline for the 2022 is September 22. Those submitting nominations should clearly identify the award for which the nomination is being submitted. Note that supporting materials may include curriculum vitae, letters of support from other IARSA members or research partners familiar with the nominee’s work, sample publications, and additional information on the nominee’s accomplishments.?
All IARSA awards will be conferred at the Annual International Conference, SBTIRM 2022 Ceremony and Celebration during the 2022 Annual Meeting.?
Criteria for All Awards
The candidate should be someone who contributed to and promoted the scientific status of Education within the first 8 years in an academic or research position. He or she should have published accredited articles (national and/or international) related to the field of educational research.
The successful completion of a funded research project which contributed to the relevance of education in improving any aspect of educational value in South Africa will be a strong recommendation.
Selection Guidelines
The deliberations of the Awards Selection Committee and its subcommittees are confidential and should not be shared, except for appropriate publicity of the winners as described in the guidelines of the IARSA Awards Recognition Committee. The names of selected awardees are to remain confidential until the Governing Council has endorsed the selections, the winners have received official notice, and the president has informed the committee members that this information may be shared. Subcommittee assignments are also to be held confidential. Should a nominator seek feedback on how his/her nominee fared, all such communications should be directed to the chair of the Awards Selection Committee.
The deliberations of the Awards Selection Committee and its subcommittees are confidential. The contents of nominations are also confidential and should not be shared, except for appropriate publicity of the winners as described in the guidelines of the IARSA Awards Recognition Committee. The names of selected awardees are to remain confidential until the Governing Council has endorsed the selections, the winners have received official notice, and the chair has informed the committee members that this information may be shared. Subcommittee assignments are also to be held confidential. Should a nominator seek feedback on how his/her nominee fared, all such communications should be directed to the chair of the Awards Selection Committee.
Supporting Documents
A minimum of one letter of recommendation is required, using the following guidelines. Upload PDF or Word files only. The maximum file size is 500KB, and a maximum of 3 files can be uploaded with your entry, with no document or page limit. Recommended supporting documents:
·????????Letters of recommendation from respected members in academia or employers
·????????Letters/testimonials from colleagues, and community members
The following are not recommended: résumés/CVs and copies of certificates, presentations or published materials can be emailed to: [email protected],ng
--Graduate Research Assistant
2 年Any fee waiver oppurtunity to the conference or sponsors?