International Business Opportunities

International Business Opportunities

First of all we would like to thank everyone for their cooperation and attention, connections from all over the world. Please let us introduce our company and activity system. Established in 1990, our company, Intercontact Marketing Network Ltd., is a business organization, whose main aim is to help companies find appropriate business partners, manufacturers and explore investment opportunities in Hungary.

Intercontact collects the product requirements and offers of foreign and domestic companies and circulate them in 12 languages through its information channels including Hungarian business and commercial magazines, an internet site ( and a network of foreign embassies and trade offices. We are in connection with several companies, Embassies and Commercial representations of numerous countries. These relations are based on mutual exchange of business information. So in cooperation with these organizations we are trying to help the foreign and domestic companies to find the best partners for their needs.

Our business relations are extended on 80 countries of Europe, Amerika, Africa, Asia, Australia, and we obtain a large number of information, business requirements from them, and we send them information regularly of our Hungarian partners as well.

We are waiting for exporter, importer, producer, industrial, and commercial companies who want to open trading company in Europe, and representation office in Budapest. Please inform us about how do you want to do it, where, and so on, and we will help you to find cooperators or whatever you need to achieve your goal.   

We can guarantee partnership network for the presentation of patents and inventions, coupled with consultation. We undertake to manage and to introduce new products into the inland just as into the foreign markets. Exploring investment opportunities for investors, founding joint ventures, trading consultation, ensuring paid-work and outworker background belongs to our services as well.

We take arrangement of Eastern and Central Europe businesses, as well foreign representation of firms.  We hope our short brochure caught your attention and we can create a successful partnership with your company. We are waiting for your orders, business offers in any theme, volume, and frequency. If you have any concrete offer for partner seeking please send it by email or fax. 

Should you have any requirement or products offered for sale, or if you wish to know more about our company and activities, please visit our website or contact us by phone, fax or e-mail. Thank you for your kind attention, we are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

日安 * Good afternoon * Buenos días * Bonjour * Bom dia * Guten tag * Добрый день * Buon giorno * こんにちは * ?yi günler * Selamat siang * ?????? * Goeiedag * Καλημ?ρα * ????? ???? * Sabah el fol * Dzień dobry * Bonan tagon * Selamat sore

We’re glad you’re here!

Business relationships, projects, business proposals, investing, trade. Everything all together on these spot. Great things are achieved through continued persistence and dedication. Free information and advice please contact us with confidence. Feel free to contact us if you need help in something. Business development together. We wish you all the best for the future and good luck everybody.

More information you can find at Intercontact Ltd.

IMN Business Development / CN - GB - DE - FR - RU - IT - ES - HU /
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International business opportunities
Международный бизнес предложения
Internazionale attività commerciali offerte
Gesch?ftsinformationen, aktuelle angebote
Información comercial y propuestas de negocios
Recherche de partenaires commerciaux, techniques, financiers
Thank you all for viewing!

再見 * Goodbye * Adiós * Au revoir * Adeus * Auf Wiedersehen * До свидания * Arrivederci * さようなら * Güle güle * Selamat tinggal *  ?????? * Totsiens * Αντ?ο *  ?? ??????? * Tot ziens * Adia? * Kwaheri * Do widzenia * Viszontlátásra *


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